This bit was interesting to me. I was chatting with a Dish CSR, and of course sometimes they seem clueless. Anyway, I asked about USA HD and Sci Fi HD. The CSR responded that they were working on getting Encore HD, USA HD, and SciFi HD. What I found interesting was that this person mentioned Encore without me asking anything about it. This CSR also mentioned that they were coming very soon, but declined to give an exact date.
After that, I contacted another CSR and asked the same questions. This person did not mention Encore, but it was an interesting conversation:
Me: You really have no additional info?
(**-**) Dish CSR: Right but since they are assigned #'s that means they are coming really soon
Me: February 1 when the new HD tiers are introduced?
Me: or before then?
(**-**) Dish CSR: Feb 1
(**-**) Dish CSR: But you did not hear that from me
I changed the names in the chat log above so that everyone stays anonymous. Also marked out the number, in case the CSR could be identified by that.
So, who knows. Maybe this will happen sooner than later.
Does Encore hd sill exsist?