Is this legal (Distant Network Address Question)??

I "moved" yesterday to Kansas City. The CSR must have gotten things right because for the first time the KC HD locals maped down to their channel number. Only thing is that the Topeka stations are also mapped to their channel number. I also am still showing the "temporary home of ****" listing the KC SD channels and it still says they will be gone on 12/1. I take it these will disappear eventually.

If anybody asks questions I am going to tell them my Wife won the E* account in a divorce settlement and then moved in with her parents but I still have to pay the bill ;)
Moving is looking alot more desirable. I have gotten spoiled on the DNS. I live near Louisville KY and there are times of the year that games and religious programs are bumping the regular network shows. I like the right to decide if I would rather watch heroes or the game. Local broadcasters dont always give that option.

Are the NY HD DNS on spotbeam or are they CONUS like the SD channels?

If not, I could pick up network HD and still watch my HD locals OTA.
What a bunch of hoops to jump through just to watch TV ! I guess I'm just as moral(more or less) as the next guy, but why should I even have to entertain the thought of lying to watch programming that by no fault of my own is being taken away because Charlie decided to play poker with my network shows. Legitimate DNS subs can go to Direct and get everything they need(O.K. - Less HD content for now) without having the invent addresses and relatives on the opposite coast. Myself, I went back to TWC. It just really pi**es me off that I have to pay the price for Charlie's screwup and I'll be damned if I will continue to subsidize him.
From experience with this - Any new equipment will be sent to your Service Address, not your billing address, that has been what happens for over 7 years for me. I have to call UPS when I know a receiver has been sent and change the delivery address giving them the shipping info Dish provides.

History in the U.S. has shown, some people will try to get around laws, but alot of people will find a way to get around bad laws. Prohibition would be an excellent example of that.
I am comfortable paying for a separate subscription to get distant channels. With the advent of technology such as the Slingbox the structure of network broadcasting cannot last too much longer especially when people are willing to pay a reasonable amount to receive out of market networks. I have been on the forums for a very long time, when the small dish was first around. I don't think any issue has been so discussed as the Distants has been, not even when providing locals at all was first discussed which was a very big deal then.
Wish I could say the same. No luck getting them to send equipment to my mailing address. My bill and Dish Magazine go there no problem, they refuse to send equipment to anything other than my service address. Maybe if I sent flowers to the CSR? :D
Can someone tell me if any of this will work -

I have 2 - 942s in LA, if I call Dish and tell them I want to put one in the NY second home (with a NY address) and keep the other one in LA

A) Can you have a receiver in each of the two locations on one account OR

B) If we get a different account number will they allow the use of the old 942 with the same non metal package in had in LA? I understood Dish would not activate non MPEG4 receivers for new accounts?

Can someone tell me if any of this will work -

I have 2 - 942s in LA, if I call Dish and tell them I want to put one in the NY second home (with a NY address) and keep the other one in LA

A) Can you have a receiver in each of the two locations on one account OR

B) If we get a different account number will they allow the use of the old 942 with the same non metal package in had in LA? I understood Dish would not activate non MPEG4 receivers for new accounts?


Two receivers on one account in two locations is a big no no. You could pay for two accounts, one say with what you now have and the other with the "NY Address" with just NY networks or NY networks and what ever programming you wanted. Doing that is the question of this thread.
Phone Numbers:
I have two accounts in two different states. For each account, I use different cell phone numbers which are from a third state. This way, when Dish calls me I know what account they are talking about. On one account with a single tuner receiver, I do not have it connected to a phone line. On the other account, a dual tuner, I have it connected to a land line only so that I can use caller ID, and it dials out about every lunar or PMS month. This number is not listed with Dish and there doesn't seem to be an issue.

Service Address/Mailing Address:
I had an item sent to me under repair warranty for my other account and had it sent to me here so that I could receive it here and then install it when I went to the other state. However - 2 things to keep in mind:
(1) If your mailing address is a PO BOX, UPS will not deliver to it; and
(2) Customers on this forum have reported problems getting items shipped from Dish, even without any special circumstances.
fwiw - I had suggested this a year ago and can now confirm from separate instances, hit *67 all you want - Dish and Directv will still show the number on the CSRs screen.

In fact, after a lightning hit - my neighbor came over to use my phone and call Directv. Though I have NEVER had a Directv account in my name and certainly not from this phone number - even with *67 dialed (I looked at it on the lcd screen to make sure) Directv immediately stated MY Name as they thought I was calling in.

Furthermore, my phone is listed with only an Intial and the last name. But they addressed my neighbor with my first and last name.

I have had a similar experience with E* when hitting *67 and they have addressed me personally asking how they can help me - even though in theory they should not know its me.

Thus, not only do they have the Private Setting disabled (as many large companies that have bulk digital lines coming in do), they are immediately cross-referenced with other databases to get additional information before they even answer.

Remember, privacy flag is transmitted along with the number. Its up to the equipment on the other side to determine what to do with it. In the case of E* and D*, they ignore the flag in their digital lines and PBX.
I know there is a code, but don't use it and suspect it is *67 that will block your ID info from appearing on the called party's CID box/screen.

The block does not work with "Toll Free Numbers" such as 800, and in certain other cases. Also, those companies with toll free numbers also get a print out every month of all the numbers that called them, unless they don't want the print out, regardless if the number is private or not.
I have an asterisk PBX and I can tell it to pass any ANI that I want........however, if the PBX on the other end is set to ignore this base info that I am passing the CID on their end will actually pull the NY Number of the VOIP provider that I am using.
The reason most the blocks dont work, is your not footing the bill for those phone calls to the 800 numbers, course, by paying for that call it gives them the right to be privy to that number that is calling them.

Question about equipment fees

Fat Lady has finish singing

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