You have given no reason that these cities should not have teams except you said so or . I guess you won't be happy until the league is back down to the original 6. The other two cities that you mention (Quebec, Winnipeg) already had NHL teams and they couldn't support them in the area. I guess the best way to kill a league is to give them back to markets that don't care about them.
There are to many teams in the NHL, I believe they should get rid of 4 to 6 teams to help the league. There are not enough good players to fill every team.
I believe these teams should stay in the league but move, there good teams but not enough fan base.
- New Jersey, In first place but doesn't sell tickets
- New York Islanders, Have to compete with the Rangers
- Tampa Bay Lightning,another good team that doesn't sell tickets.
These teams should get out of the league, they are in bad hockey markets.
As for places to relocate teams I picked 2 Canadian cities because Canada has the best fan base, but they can pick any city as long as there is a strong fan base.
Plus your response to Quebec and Winnipeg, Atlanta had a team before.
If you want to put them in Cinncy, Hartford, Houston or Portland it doesn't matter as long as it helps the league.
I know Pittsburgh isn't a pro Basketball market, so I wouldn't expect a team to be here, just like hockey in other cities.
By the way if Bettmen wants to make the NHL stronger he should crawl back to ESPN and beg for a contract.