Yeah I owe you an apology. It was HD MM's post that got me going. I re-read it and thought it was you who wrote that.
I would edit my post but thats not fair to you. I screwed up.
As for HD MM his comment about race was the one that set me off and I mistakenly attributed it to you.
As for boozing it up its only 1:30 PM Im not good and liquored up till 1:30 AM. (and if you knew me, then youd know that that isnt really true because I dont drink that often.)
Again sorry Salsa. As for collusion, how in the hell can you find fault with noone hiring Bonds, who up until Clemens came to light, was labeled the biggest bad guy in the sport?
I was wondering where you saw the race worries! I am just surprised that in this day and age of winning at all cost....and don't think that for one moment that the owners didn't know about McGuire and POSSIBILY Sosa juicing up during the big attendance years AFTER the lockout....suprised that he can STILL HIT, STILL get on base and still draw....goodo or bad....that no ones has signed him. ALSO, local talk has brought up whether if some folks think it had something to do with his race.....