I noticed that on this transponder, about every couple of minutes, part of the picture will breakup and digitize for a split second. It usually affects only the picture but at times, the sound will also "stutter". The pictue and sound will be fine for minutes so it is very random. When it does happen, it is quick and lasts only a fraction of a second. If I monitor my signal strength under Diagnostics, it stays constant and never drops.
I noticed this on FETV, TV Land, and Oxygen, all of which I believe use this same satellite and transponder. I am sure other channels also use this same transponder but I have not checked them. All other channels on other transponders are fine.
The reason I know the issue is not at my end is because my account uses two different dishes and receivers. I have a Hopper 3 (with 2 Joey 3) in my family room connected to a Hybrid Dish mounted on my roof. I also have a Wally in my living room connected to a Dish DPP mounted on the side of my deck. I am seeing the same issue on both systems.
Any ideas? I am afraid if I call and report this to Dish Network, they will look at a channel and say they see nothing wrong. As I said, it may go for minutes looking fine before the abnormality occurs. It is not serious but it is annoying. I noticed this all started about 2 weeks ago.
Anyone else seeing this?
I noticed this on FETV, TV Land, and Oxygen, all of which I believe use this same satellite and transponder. I am sure other channels also use this same transponder but I have not checked them. All other channels on other transponders are fine.
The reason I know the issue is not at my end is because my account uses two different dishes and receivers. I have a Hopper 3 (with 2 Joey 3) in my family room connected to a Hybrid Dish mounted on my roof. I also have a Wally in my living room connected to a Dish DPP mounted on the side of my deck. I am seeing the same issue on both systems.
Any ideas? I am afraid if I call and report this to Dish Network, they will look at a channel and say they see nothing wrong. As I said, it may go for minutes looking fine before the abnormality occurs. It is not serious but it is annoying. I noticed this all started about 2 weeks ago.
Anyone else seeing this?