Is there a faster way to change resolution?

Stanleee said:
Why, do you find SD to look better with the lower res.?

No, I only watch HD on the 811. I would like to know if there's a quicker way to "compare" the rez's. Particularly on OTA FOX: it's 720p, my set's native rez is 720p. Most of the time having the 811 set to 1080i results in the best picture (for reasons I understand but will not delve into here--there are hundreds of posts regarding the subject), but other times it truly does look better when the the 811 is set to 720p. However, having to navigate the menu results in about 8 seconds during which you cannot see the picture. So, if watching something such as football, the image is of something different within that amount of time...

So, as originally asked: "is there a faster way than 'menu > 6 > 1 > 9' ?"
TV Type in 811 HDTV Setup

While we are on the subject. I set the resolution on the 811 to 720p and my picture goes scrambled. Like seeing double except 3 images overlayed on each other. However when comparing the quality between 1080i & 480p I see no differance when viewing a FOX HD broadcast OTA. But I do see a differance when viewing the HD demo channel. Is this TV Type setting in the HDTV setup on the 811 only applicable to Satellite channels and not OTA channels?

I am only using the 811 for viewing OTA as I have cancelled my HDPak after a year until more compelling HD content comes along.
Nope. The only way right now is Menu 6-1-9. I've heard about them letting you toggle the outputs via the sd/hd button. So that may come.

But you don't need to do a pic compare. Take my word, always output the native of the program of the 811 :)

So I have a 720p DLP

When watch 1080i, 811 is set to 1080i
When watching 720p, 811 is set to 720p
When watching standard, I switch to S-video...
I do the same as Bryan, and agree that "native" is what I use, and it's why I've asked for that option on the 811. That would mean that 1080i comes out 1080i, 720p as 720p and SD as SD.

I find that the scaler in my projector does better than the scaler in the 811 when dealing with 1080i --> 720p conversions.

BFG said:
Nope. The only way right now is Menu 6-1-9. ...

Thanks for answering my question. :)

BFG said:
But you don't need to do a pic compare. Take my word, always output the native of the program of the 811 :)

Although I didn't intend the thread to go there, I would agree with you most of the time. However, my eyes tell me different sometimes when viewing FOX (OTA-KDFW out of Dallas/Ft. Worth) and ESPN-HD, both supossedly 720p. Sometimes, I note a clear advantage to placing the 811 on 1080i even though my set is native 720p. The advantage is more evident on wide-angle shots.

Generally the Television's scaler would be better than the 811's. However,there are just too many variables to consider in order to give a "blanket" recommendation, i.e.: what Television technology is being used (Plasma, DMD-DLP, LCD, etc), what cables (DVI/HDMI, component, etc.) what processing/chip (DNIE Faroudja, etc.)

I have a 61" DLP (Samsung HLN617W) with 811 connected via component (not DVI) with DNIE processing turned on.

Nonetheless, any HD signal looks stunning on this set. My question was focused primarily on "tweaking" to get the best image while viewing KDFW-FOX (OTA) particularly during football games. FOX seems to be a bit hit-and-miss with quality (colors/contrasts too harsh while other channels look lifelike).
I do the same thing on my samsung HLN4635W via component and DNIE turned on.

Looking at the overall picture, you may not see a difference when watching 720p content with the 811 set to 720p. But to see the difference, look at the graphics/text. When the 811 is set to 1080i, the text appears fuzzy, but when in 720p it's crystal clear...
I hav a Sammy HLN507W hooked to my 811 via DVI and component. I leave my HD input setting at 1080i most of the time. I watch all HD and live/taped SD via DVI as that gives the sharpest PQ to my eyes. While the 1080i input setting provides acceptable PQ when viewing HD on Fox or ESPN, the gold standard is watching those 2 channels via DVI with the input set to 720p. I to long for a shorter route to changing input resolution as I have lamented for about a year now.

Yesterday while watching the Steelers-Jets game, I thought my Sammy was developing a problem because of the pin-striping affect I saw on the players on the distant shots. Turned out I had forgotten to switch my input setting back to 1080i after an ESPN basketball game. 720p is near flawless on the Sammy DLP if input at 720p.

As to component and DNIE, I've starting using that for SD movies on STARZ and CM, where I can see a significant increase in sharpness and brightness. On HD, particularly live HD, the component/DNIE setup just isn't as sharp and clear as DVI.

I was just delivered a new 70" Sony XBR Friday and I thought I had a bad set. I had the 811 set to output 720P. I saw the same pin stripping effect on the wide angles especially on the players pants. The game on FOX looked great but I guess their native resolution is 720P.

This makes me feel so much better knowing it's not the set.
sixbears said:
While we are on the subject. I set the resolution on the 811 to 720p and my picture goes scrambled. Like seeing double except 3 images overlayed on each other. However when comparing the quality between 1080i & 480p I see no differance when viewing a FOX HD broadcast OTA. But I do see a differance when viewing the HD demo channel. Is this TV Type setting in the HDTV setup on the 811 only applicable to Satellite channels and not OTA channels?

I am only using the 811 for viewing OTA as I have cancelled my HDPak after a year until more compelling HD content comes along.

Some HDTVs will not display 720p. That is why you are seeing an out of sync picture. The output resolution on the 811 is applicable to both satellite and OTA channels
So if the HDTV will not display 720p and the 811 is set to 480p will you only see 480p?

Also will that same 720p broadcast be upconverted to 1080i if the 811 is set to 1080i, if the HDTV cannot display 720p?
Don't know why but on my set it always looks better on 1080i no matter what I watch... I know this don't seem right but when I watch ESPN HD and put it on 720p it don't look near as good or wide as 1080i...

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