Is the reciever glitching?

Skeptical also. Picture looks like the back of a 500, whilst a 1000 (.2) is described. First off, a 1000.2 is designed for WA; the design for EA is 1000.4. I believe just a difference in the LNBF, so the 1000.2 LNBF can be swapped for a 1000.4. They cannot be interchanged at the same arc positioning as they will not line up correctly for multi-slot, thus that could be your issue. Also a 500 dish cannot be used for EA multiple slot for same reason. It's WA-designed, for 110/119. You (apparently) need a 1000.4.

One last q.- on that TV screenshot, for "switch" it says "DPP EA.2"- does anyone know what that means? On my 722 info screen it says "DPP 1K.2," which tallies to my (WA) 1000.2 dish.

Explainer for DP & DPP: The original Twin LNBF for 500 was non-DP (DiSH Pro), meaning simply a built-in SW21 switch and 2 outputs like on the SW21. It just directly replaced the 2 separate "original" LNBFs and external SW21 for 500 with the single feed unit. Then the DP Twin LNBF came out, which bandstacked the IF output such that it could be split for multiple tuners from a single coax run (commonly used for 322/522 installs). DPP (DiSH Pro Plus) Twin (and then Triple) I believe was where they added a 2nd-dish input to the DP LNBF such that both dishes would carry on single splittable coax.
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Skeptical also. Picture looks like the back of a 500, whilst a 1000 (.2) is described. First off, a 1000.2 is designed for WA; the design for EA is 1000.4. I believe just a difference in the LNBF, so the 1000.2 LNBF can be swapped for a 1000.4. They cannot be interchanged at the same arc positioning as they will not line up correctly for multi-slot, thus that could be your issue. Also a 500 dish cannot be used for EA multiple slot for same reason. It's WA-designed, for 110/119. You (apparently) need a 1000.4.

One last q.- on that TV screenshot, for "switch" it says "DPP EA.2"- does anyone know what that means? On my 722 info screen it says "DPP 1K.2," which tallies to my (WA) 1000.2 dish.

Explainer for DP & DPP: The original Twin LNBF for 500 was non-DP (DiSH Pro), meaning simply a built-in SW21 switch and 2 outputs like on the SW21. It just directly replaced the 2 separate "original" LNBFs and external SW21 for 500 with the single feed unit. Then the DP Twin LNBF came out, which bandstacked the IF output such that it could be split for multiple tuners from a single coax run (commonly used for 322/522 installs). DPP (DiSH Pro Plus) Twin (and then Triple) I believe was where they added a 2nd-dish input to the DP LNBF such that both dishes would carry on single splittable coax.
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Go to in your computer browser.
Find the 61.5 satellite in the right hand drop down.
Enter your exact address where it says "Your location".
You will get a satellite view of your location and a line pointing to the 61.5 satellite plus the elevation and azimuth for the 61.5 W satellite.
You can make minor adjustments to the pin drop to locate your dish and the pole it is on.
Zoom in on the location and see if the trees are blocking your satellite view.
You may have to move your dish to a more open area free of tree blockage - mount the dish on a pole cemented into the ground.
Also, cover the 72.7 lnb with aluminum foil and see if you can find the 61.5 satellite with the right lnb (looking from behind the dish - it will be about 10 degrees left of the 72.7 you are evidently receiving on the 72.7 lnb.).
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a 1000.2 is designed for WA; the design for EA is 1000.4
That's wrong. Both East and West use a 1000.2 dish and LNB. The 1000.4 Dish and both WA and EA LNB's are long gone from inventories

1000.4 EA

1000.2 EA
I thought just the LNBF differed, didn't know there were different dishes (??)

But I know for fact that you can't take your 1000.2 triple dish/LNBF and move it from WA to EA and make it work. Or at least you couldn't. Maybe now that there's only need for 2 slots you can??

I've never seen that 1000.2 EA, just the 1000.2 for WA and the 1000.4 for EA. And never knew they used different dishes
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I thought just the LNBF differed, didn't know there were different dishes (??)

But I know for fact that you can't take your 1000.2 triple dish/LNBF and move it from WA to EA and make it work. Or at least you couldn't. Maybe now that there's only need for 2 slots you can??

I've never seen that 1000.2 EA, just the 1000.2 for WA and the 1000.4 for EA. And never knew they used different dishes
They have to use different dishes. 1000.4 and 1000 got two brackets do not fit the opposite LNB'S. In other words, you cannot use a .2 LNB on a .4 Dish because they don't line up with the brackets due to tabs on the .4 LNB's. And then eastern arc has been out for probably 8 to 10 years.
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OK, so is it just a difference in the (plastic) LNBF adapter or is there (also) a difference in the metalwork?

And again, what does "DPP EA.2" mean on the screen? That 2nd pictured LNBF that I'd never seen before? It just (apparently) has 2 feeds- did it receive from just 2 EA slots? So then they had dropped the 1000.4 and switched to 1000.2 for both arcs (with differing LNBFs)?
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OK, so is it just a difference in the (plastic) LNBF adapter or is there (also) a difference in the metalwork?

And again, what does "DPP EA.2" mean on the screen? That 2nd pictured LNBF that I'd never seen before? It just (apparently) has 2 feeds- did it receive from just 2 EA slots? So then they had dropped the 1000.4 and switched to 1000.2 for both arcs (with differing LNBFs)?
Dude, 1000.2's for both arcs has been the norm for years. Until these new 500 dishes this year, techs have only carried 1000.2 dish kits for years. I've been here 13 years and never had a 1000.4 kit on my van for WA and for EA, that lasted only for a year or two until the 1000.2 DPP EA LNB's came out
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Dude, 1000.2's for both arcs has been the norm for years. Until these new 500 dishes this year, techs have only carried 1000.2 dish kits for years. I've been here 13 years and never had a 1000.4 kit on my van for WA and for EA, that lasted only for a year or two until the 1000.2 DPP EA LNB's came out
I've been out for over 13 years now, and the last big thing they were doing (besides introing hopper) was adding the EA aiming option. They way they had presented it, we'd have the option to use either WA or EA depending on which would be a better shot from a given home (with trees, etc. having long been at issue in dish placement). But then they only put some locals on WA and others on EA, and I was effectively still stuck with WA-only (and that tricky 129 slot) if wanting sat locals. Just more classic DiSH. I was really done at that point anyhows.

Anyways, I had ordered a 1000.4 (EA) dish, and all that really looked different was the triple LNBF, with its oddly asymmetric spacing. I seem to remember that maybe the feedarm adapter was also different. Not surprising dealers/installers would have frowned on stocking all separate stuff for both arcs, and that they'd have gone to "1000.2 for all". Just out of curiosity, was that 1000.4 dish really any different as far as the pan/mount?
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Dude, 1000.2's for both arcs has been the norm for years. Until these new 500 dishes this year, techs have only carried 1000.2 dish kits for years. I've been here 13 years and never had a 1000.4 kit on my van for WA and for EA, that lasted only for a year or two until the 1000.2 DPP EA LNB's came out

Any chance you can post a picture of the new 500? Or is it identical to the old one?
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Any chance you can post a picture of the new 500? Or is it identical to the old one?
The dish kit is the same as the old 500. The bracket looks more like a slim line bracket but just like the old 500s only uses one bolt to connect it to the feed arm.

The LNB resembles an eastern DPH, but it's only about a third of the size of a WA Slimline with the same lens

The dish kit is the same as the old 500. The bracket looks more like a slim line bracket but just like the old 500s only uses one bolt to connect it to the feed arm.

The LNB resembles an eastern DPH, but it's only about a third of the size of a WA Slimline with the same lens

View attachment 180007
Thanks for showing us this! I had no idea they still made 500s
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The dish kit is the same as the old 500. The bracket looks more like a slim line bracket but just like the old 500s only uses one bolt to connect it to the feed arm.

The LNB resembles an eastern DPH, but it's only about a third of the size of a WA Slimline with the same lens

View attachment 180007
Also are there pictures of the dish or just the lnbF
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