My TV's tuner has never lost the OTA signal. The 722 OTA tuner has. So in aquiring/locking a signal, my TV's tuner is better. However, once signal is locked I can't tell a difference in PQ between OTA-TV, OTA-722, and SAT-722-locals.
I've done a side-by-side of OTA-722 and SAT-722-locals using the 722's split screen. I can't do a direct side-by-side throwing my TV's tuner in the mix, so my comment of OTA-TV = OTA-722 is a bit subjective (I am "remembering" the PQ as I switch inputs on my TV, which is not instantaneous by any means). I get a few seconds of black screen while switching the TV's inputs, don't know why that is, but it is what it is and I guess that's just the way my TV works.