The first one, at the top of the page is a spherical antenna. I remember them in the magazines, don't think I ever actually saw one working. I just read about them in my book " build a personal earth station for worldwide satellite tv reception"(1982), it says you set the reflector and leave it alone. The feed- lna is located out front on a post independent of the reflector. It was possible to move the feed +-20 degrees right to left and get reception on several satellites. It goes on to say you could have multiple feeds-lnas but I remember the cost of those things at the time and I bet not many people had more than one.
There is a dish that looks identical to the dish on the second page about 100 miles from where I live. I've seen it a few times in my travels and always curse about forgetting my camera. Got to get those pictures some day and talk to whoever built it....if they are still around