Is PBS Kids Sprout Coming to Dish Soon???


New Member
Original poster
Jul 20, 2010
Niagara Falls, NY
Hello Folks,

I'm just wondering if Sprout will be coming to Dish Network anytime soon? DirecTV has it, so does Comcast, Uverse, and Time Warner. It's a fantastic channel for the little ones. I switched to Dish from cable but forgot to check if they carried Sprout. Now my 2 year old is very upset. So, since I heard Dish launched this new satellite, I am hoping that means they will get more channels and Maybe Sprout?

I guess I'll keep praying for SPROUT. If you can hear me Dish Network... SPROUT PLEASE!!!

Kevin Buno
Dish has a habit of ignoring channels people want (ie Yes).. If it costs too much ....they won't carry it. No Ifs,and,ors or buts
I'd look for it when it launches in HD (I think in October). It seems to me Charlie is not interested adding more SD.

Of course, that is continent of Dish and Comcast not having any big blowups, and I do think the Versus contract is up soon.
Hello Folks,

I'm just wondering if Sprout will be coming to Dish Network anytime soon? DirecTV has it, so does Comcast, Uverse, and Time Warner. It's a fantastic channel for the little ones. I switched to Dish from cable but forgot to check if they carried Sprout. Now my 2 year old is very upset. So, since I heard Dish launched this new satellite, I am hoping that means they will get more channels and Maybe Sprout?

I guess I'll keep praying for SPROUT. If you can hear me Dish Network... SPROUT PLEASE!!!

Kevin Buno

Try channel 169-NICK JR.;)

It works for my grandkids after I switched from DirecTV to Dishnetwork.:)
Hopefully we see it in HD in October. It is a great channel!

I am hearing a rumor that we could see another kids channel in HD shortly... that channel being Discovery Kids HD.
I'd look for it when it launches in HD (I think in October). It seems to me Charlie is not interested adding more SD.

Of course, that is continent of Dish and Comcast not having any big blowups, and I do think the Versus contract is up soon.

Having America's Everything Package I can say we don't need anymore SD channels(unless the price is right and prices don't go up).Right now I am more concerned about price and how much more money I am saving with Dishnetwork compared to the "other guys".;):D
Also consider PBS OTA. My local affiliate broadcasts a subchannel called PBS Kids that has a lot of the same material that Sprout has.
Hello Folks,

I'm just wondering if Sprout will be coming to Dish Network anytime soon? DirecTV has it, so does Comcast, Uverse, and Time Warner. It's a fantastic channel for the little ones. I switched to Dish from cable but forgot to check if they carried Sprout. Now my 2 year old is very upset. So, since I heard Dish launched this new satellite, I am hoping that means they will get more channels and Maybe Sprout?

I guess I'll keep praying for SPROUT. If you can hear me Dish Network... SPROUT PLEASE!!!

Kevin Buno

Sprout would be great. My daughter misses it since we left Direct. OF course, any channel we get would be great. I watch a lot of tv with my daughter and all kids channels would be watched at my house.

You can catch several Sprout shows on your regular PBS channel during the day and record them. Caillou, Sesame Street, Barney, Dragon Tails, etc.... but I have to say that after a few episodes of Caillou's little whiny ass I want to go postal.
And, then as soon as they do, people will bitch on why they didn't pick up MLB or whatever instead.

you must not come around here often, this should be called!
Dish could offer every channel in production, in HD, full res, for free and people here would still gripe about something. :rolleyes: