Is it "Un-American" to not care about WBC?

Because the timing of participating in the WBC and Olympics conflicts with MLB's season. The NHL is willing to shut it's season down for its players to play, should MLB??
Baseball in the Olympics with MLB players would be cool, but MLB won't support it. The NHL shuts down because they need the Olympics for their own publicity. Most Americans only hockey memory is the Miracle on Ice and the only player they can identitfy is Wayne Gretzky, who is Canadian and has been retired for 10 years! If the NHL didn't supprt the Olympics then they'd be in worse shape than they already are. MLB does just fine without the Olympics. The NBA supports the Olympics because basketball is played in the summer games even though basketball is actually a winter sport. If basketball were part of the Winter Olympics David Stern and the NBA owners wouldn't have anything to do with it. I guess you could move baseball to the Winter Olympics so it doesn't conflict with the MLB season, but it's hard to play baseball in February in places like Vancouver or Russia. Besides February would conflict with MLB players cycling regimines, and I don't mean bikes. :D
Baseball in the Olympics with MLB players would be cool, but MLB won't support it. The NHL shuts down because they need the Olympics for their own publicity. Most Americans only hockey memory is the Miracle on Ice and the only player they can identitfy is Wayne Gretzky, who is Canadian and has been retired for 10 years! If the NHL didn't supprt the Olympics then they'd be in worse shape than they already are. MLB does just fine without the Olympics. The NBA supports the Olympics because basketball is played in the summer games even though basketball is actually a winter sport. If basketball were part of the Winter Olympics David Stern and the NBA owners wouldn't have anything to do with it. I guess you could move baseball to the Winter Olympics so it doesn't conflict with the MLB season, but it's hard to play baseball in February in places like Vancouver or Russia. Besides February would conflict with MLB players cycling regimines, and I don't mean bikes. :D
I agree with you, but it's ironic that baseball is dropped from the Olympics because of a "lack of major appeal in a significant portion of the world" and MLB won't change its schedule to accomodate the IOC. Instead, they create this tournament to help develop interest in baseball throughout the world, that most feel is held at a terrible time of the year and definitely isn't getting the word-wide exposure that the Olympics with all of the best players playing would bring.

Actually, it's not irony, it's the $$$.
I agree with you, but it's ironic that baseball is dropped from the Olympics because of a "lack of major appeal in a significant portion of the world" and MLB won't change its schedule to accomodate the IOC. Instead, they create this tournament to help develop interest in baseball throughout the world, that most feel is held at a terrible time of the year and definitely isn't getting the word-wide exposure that the Olympics with all of the best players playing would bring.

Actually, it's not irony, it's the $$$.

Baseball is just not as big in other countries as it is in the countries that are participating now. I mean basketball has not real time to play it, just as long as there is two backboards and two rim....time of the year does not matter. Baseball is so different that even rain can screw the whole thing opposed to American Football and "real" Football, unless the Second Coming is happening, weather does not effect it.

Quite honestly, I think there are only a handful of sports that have a world wide, basketball and maybe throw in golf....
By "terrible time of the year" I was referring to when the tournament is being played and how that has affected who's not playing in it, not the weather.
By "terrible time of the year" I was referring to when the tournament is being played and how that has affected who's not playing in it, not the weather.

I understood....I have that from day one, they should cancel the Caribbean World Series(usually played between mid January and early February) and play around that slought.
I understood....I have that from day one, they should cancel the Caribbean World Series(usually played between mid January and early February) and play around that slought.

If they played then, I might even have an interest then, but right now, I'm more concerned about the players that aren't in the TIGER'S camp because of this "tournament". If they played in January, they wouldn't be competing with training camp, for my interest.
If they played then, I might even have an interest then, but right now, I'm more concerned about the players that aren't in the TIGER'S camp because of this "tournament". If they played in January, they wouldn't be competing with training camp, for my interest.

This is ANOTHER example of MLB coming up with a could concept, but finding EVERY possible way of f***ing it up. See, the fans do not care(especially US fans) NO WHERE NEAR as much as the players do....none. And that alone will always give this tournamnet a uphill battle to make it legit.
It's not un-American... It is time for March Madness, and my sports clock says 100 percent college hoops round the clock. That's American... the WBC is baseball, but I care more about Mets vs. Royals interleague than the WBC... that was the way I was brought up
It's not un-American... It is time for March Madness, and my sports clock says 100 percent college hoops round the clock. That's American... the WBC is baseball, but I care more about Mets vs. Royals interleague than the WBC... that was the way I was brought up

Baseball is an american game.....the ONLY reason you care about March Madeness is because it has been around longer than the WBC and because of all the hype. In other countries....REGARDLESS of the sport, if the team that has YOUR COUNTRY'S NAME in the front of that jersey/uniform...THAT comes first and foremost.
Baseball is an american game.....the ONLY reason you care about March Madeness is because it has been around longer than the WBC and because of all the hype. In other countries....REGARDLESS of the sport, if the team that has YOUR COUNTRY'S NAME in the front of that jersey/uniform...THAT comes first and foremost.

You're right, it should.
Baseball is an american game.....the ONLY reason you care about March Madeness is because it has been around longer than the WBC and because of all the hype. In other countries....REGARDLESS of the sport, if the team that has YOUR COUNTRY'S NAME in the front of that jersey/uniform...THAT comes first and foremost.

Hold on Cowboy! These teams aren't fighting against evil tyranny or spreading peace by winning. It's a game of baseball for gosh sake!

Just because the majority of USA isn't all that gun-ho about the WBC doesn't make us less patriotic as you're suggesting. It's a freaking game! Don't let it symbolize something it's not.
Hold on Cowboy! These teams aren't fighting against evil tyranny or spreading peace by winning. It's a game of baseball for gosh sake!

Just because the majority of USA isn't all that gun-ho about the WBC doesn't make us less patriotic as you're suggesting. It's a freaking game! Don't let it symbolize something it's not.

IF you could say the same about YOUR Cleveland Browns or beloved Cavaliers or in THIS CASE, Cleveland Indians......come talk to me....;)

READ the statement again, when OTHER countries are participating in a sport where THEIR countries name is in the uniform...THAT comes before whether some relief pitcher is getting enough innings....

THESE guys are playing to represent THEIR COUNTRY...not for the next paycheck...FOR THE LOVE...that lend more credence to me...

...we have an old saying in Puerto Rico, "denying your country is like denying your mother....." EVEN in sport, that means ALOT to Latinos....even if it was in checkers.
IF you could say the same about YOUR Cleveland Browns or beloved Cavaliers or in THIS CASE, Cleveland Indians......come talk to me....;)

READ the statement again, when OTHER countries are participating in a sport where THEIR countries name is in the uniform...THAT comes before whether some relief pitcher is getting enough innings....

THESE guys are playing to represent THEIR COUNTRY...not for the next paycheck...FOR THE LOVE...that lend more credence to me...

...we have an old saying in Puerto Rico, "denying your country is like denying your mother....." EVEN in sport, that means ALOT to Latinos....even if it was in checkers.
That's because these other countries are smaller and homogenius so everyone identifies themselves as being of that nationality. Americans don't think that way. I guess it's due to our melting pot culture. No one is an American. Instead we are Republicans, Democrats, Catholics, Jews, African-Amercans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, Italian-Americans, etc. No one cares about these international sporting events. It's easier for us to just support the teams that respresent our hometowns or alma maters or whatever you want. USA? So what? We're all American. Just don't remind us.
For me, I look at like this. In 06, I had no interest in the WBC but once it started it peeked my interest. Now, in 09, its the samething. I watch a little of it but the rules are hard to understand as far as how teams get eliminated. I also think that the selling point is wrong. They make it sound like that you could see Jeter, Wright and Youkulis on same team is supposed to get you excited and it doesnt.
If this was 20 or 30 yrs. ago I would be all for it, like how big the All Star Game USED to be.
Look at some of teams. I've never even heard of a lot of these players from South Korea or the Netherlands. I read that on one team one guy has MLB experience!!!! I dont need to see these guys on the same team because I see them enough on different teams. In my area, I have the YES Network. If I wanted to see Derek Jeter, I could watch him on YES for 162 games. Same goes for all MLB players. I could watch them all for 162 games. This is not 20 or 30 yrs. ago where it would be a big deal.
Also, have you been able to see the games. I dont have ESPN Deportes and MLB Network so some of the games, including last night's game, wasnt even available!!

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