I've had about enough of Harshness. I am getting very tired of all the little digs and outright attacks over minutia. All I can figure is that harshness is insecure and can wow us with his detailed knowledge.
Concerning his latest post where he put down teachsac, can anyone come up with anything in any of the groups he mentioned that have embraced 3D in 4k? Didn't think so. So the only purpose of that post was to 'prove' how smart he is.
All of this constant attack stuff is driving away the legitimate posters in these forums. 6 months ago we had a solid group here who honestly tried to help people asking questions. After a few of harshness' attacks, they all tend to go into lurk mode. I would much rather read the learned opinions of Don, gadgetfreak, teachsac, OSUfan, Scott, etc than listen to harshness' often misinformed drivel.
In other words, pay a bit of respect to the rest of us who take the time to study this material. If you can't do that, then STFU!