Is it time to start counting HD-DVD's Days?

(b) As I watched "Serenity" on HDDVD, I was not wowed by it's HD presentation. I was more fixated on the fact that it was a pretty poor movie in the first place. HD couldn't save it. HD will never save a bad movie. There are more bad movies than good.

Have to have watched and enjoyed the Firefly series to enjoy the Movie.

Have to have watched and enjoyed the Firefly series to enjoy the Movie.
Of course everyone has different tastes. And I really wasn't trying to knock the movie, although it probably came off that way. I do like SciFi, but for some reason I just couldn't get into that one. Don't know why. It could have had as much to do with my mood that night as with anything inherent to the movie itself. I guess my point was - for me, on that night, with that movie, HD would have made zero difference over SD (speculation of course, since I didn't have the SD version to compare against).
Of course everyone has different tastes. And I really wasn't trying to knock the movie, although it probably came off that way. I do like SciFi, but for some reason I just couldn't get into that one. Don't know why. It could have had as much to do with my mood that night as with anything inherent to the movie itself. I guess my point was - for me, on that night, with that movie, HD would have made zero difference over SD (speculation of course, since I didn't have the SD version to compare against).

Nah, wasn't being crass, just saying that a few people who don't get into that movie do after watching the series. :up

The characters are all pretty complex, except Jayne. Well even he has some interesting characteristics.

"He would sell out his own mom if he thought he could get the right price" - Mal
I watched Firefly from the begining and thought Josh Weadon had a good take and some of the storys were well written. While the movie Serenity was not what everyone was looking forward to (most fans wanted an extension of the tv series) the movie did tie up alot of loose ends from the series and gave the show some finality. My wife who is not enamored with scifi liked the series somewhat and enjoyed the movie. She understond what was driving the storys and she agreed with me that the movie did a half decent job of giving Firefly fans some closure.

And I agree with akodoreign, if you were not a Firefly fan the move would of made no sense to you and you probably would not like it at all.
I watched Firefly from the begining and thought Josh Weadon had a good take and some of the storys were well written. While the movie Serenity was not what everyone was looking forward to (most fans wanted an extension of the tv series) the movie did tie up alot of loose ends from the series and gave the show some finality. My wife who is not enamored with scifi liked the series somewhat and enjoyed the movie. She understond what was driving the storys and she agreed with me that the movie did a half decent job of giving Firefly fans some closure.

And I agree with akodoreign, if you were not a Firefly fan the move would of made no sense to you and you probably would not like it at all.

Did you know that there is a Table top RPG for serenity?

And unlike most systems it is really fun to run as a game master.
You get to give players chips (ways for them to alter reality, reduce damage etc... for entertaining you).

Also it is a way to keep the love alive :)
First, let me say that Joe's OP was completely inane and I too am tired of the "mission accomplished" babble... that being said:

I am not sure. I have seen quite a few posts where. let's see.

Sony refuses to repair dusty PS3 under warranty - GameGrep

People May buy PS3's but they get bored with them quick.

When Final Fantasy XIII makes it state side it would be a stronger argument.

I have a few friends that own PS3s never use them for movies (80 gig models before spider man came out) In fact one of them traded their PS3 in to gamestop for a 360. :D

But as of right now. They are just dust magnets. :D

OK, who puts their PS3 in a woodshop? Good grief. My PS3 gets used at least 5-6 times a week and would never get dusty like that... saying they are "dust magnets" is a reach.

he he.
So where do we put Blue Ray on this list?

Good Lord. Again with this list? This is about the 201st time I've seen it and I rarely go to any other sites like this one. This whole argument gets a little stupid at times, on both sides.

BD: "Mission Accomplished!"

HD: "Blu-Ray is BetaMax"

BD: "2:1 lead"

HD: "Attach Rate"

Blah, blah, blah...
ONUOsFan, Take a breather man. This is the War Zone and there are crazies in here (I am one of them most times). If you feel that this post is inane why add to it? If this was not the War Zone I would not of posted this. There have been too many BD is doomed post and I thought it was time for the ole 'HD-DVD is Doomed' post. We tend to stir each others collect pots at times.

Neither of these formats has a stake in solid ground right now. Neither one is making alot of money. In fact both would be very lucky if they could break even and I don't even believe that. However, I do support BluRay and if HD-DVD is still kicking around after the first of the year (and barring a surrender they will be) I can see myself with a new A35. Most of these guys have both formats anyway.

Like I said, this is the War Zone -- welcome to the crazyness!!!:)
ONUOsFan, Take a breather man. This is the War Zone and there are crazies in here (I am one of them most times). If you feel that this post is inane why add to it? If this was not the War Zone I would not of posted this. There have been too many BD is doomed post and I thought it was time for the ole 'HD-DVD is Doomed' post. We tend to stir each others collect pots at times.

Neither of these formats has a stake in solid ground right now. Neither one is making alot of money. In fact both would be very lucky if they could break even and I don't even believe that. However, I do support BluRay and if HD-DVD is still kicking around after the first of the year (and barring a surrender they will be) I can see myself with a new A35. Most of these guys have both formats anyway.

Like I said, this is the War Zone -- welcome to the crazyness!!!:)

I'm fine - just having fun like everyone else. :)

I do own both formats, although I make no secret of the fact that I prefer BD. I just get tired of the bluster, even though I am also guilty of adding to it at times. Like you said, it's the War Zone!

I like the argument. I just have to point out when I feel like someone (on either side) is pushing too hard. That's the point, right? Someone stirs the pot and someone else calls them on it.

I have moments where I like to add to the stirring, and times when I want the waters to be calmed... guess I should just learn to stay out of here during those times. :D
Stay out!! Why that's downright UnAmerican!!!! It is our God given right to disagree, make fools of ourselves at times (some folks really take themselves too seriously - watch who grabs onto to this statement) and support our fav format -- disagree or die -- the American Way !!:flag:

ps: If Bush can ignore facts why can not the rest of us?
ONUOsFan, Take a breather man. This is the War Zone and there are crazies in here (I am one of them most times). ....

:) :)

An honest breath of fresh air ;)

Of course given your avatar, I'm afraid you've been seduced by the dark side... :D :D

(read all the :) ;) and :D -- just having fun! :eek: )
Man, I've got the dark (blu) force on my side!!:D
I could not reseist ..

Here is The deep Blu Ray master Himself :)

I have been temped by the dark side as well but they just can not offer me a player in my Price point... $150


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