Is it possible to connect External Drive from VIP722k to Hopper without loss of recorded programs?

Can you take YES for an answer? If it is not recognised, have dish send a hit to the receiver (maybe multiple times). The format and programming on the VIP722 are the same as on the Hopper, it should be simple as plug and play.
I didn't think you could use the same external hard drive on all three receivers. I know if you try to use an external hard drive from say the Hopper on the Wally it will reformat the drive, before you can use it.
As long as you are not trying to go between a Wally or 211 to the other DVRs or reverse you are fine.
Same here, I have recordings from my 622. There was the time (a few years ago) when I would plug the drive in and it would take several hours before the window that said I had an external drive attached came up. I believe the hopper was running a disk check in the background, but for some reason it took a long time.
I basically plugged them in and just let them eventually be recognized.
Same here. I have EHDs on my H3 which came from both a 722 and a 612, each of which were great receivers IMHO. The sole beef I had with my 722 was I couldn't get anamorphic widescreen from the TV2 outputs.
Thanks to all for answering my question. We're planning to upgrade to Hopper, but worried the system will force a format and we'd lose about 1/2 TB of favorites
Don’t worry about it, joe1940. You should be fine.

If you are really really worried, there is a way to format a new EHD on the Hopper and use Linux to make a copy of the Events off of the old EHD to the new.