Does Dish's subscriber system allow you to to install two superdishes in order to see both 105 and 121 at the same time. Another member at a forum I visit regularly wants to subscribe to AT60/120, his locals (on 105) and Gemini TV (international at 121 only). All but a few channels for AT60/120 are on 119, so loosing a few public interest or shopping channels aren't really a problem.
Technology wise, he can just hook up the 105, 119, and 121 LNBs to a switch, leaving the extra 119 and both 110 lnbs unhooked. But will Dish's system reject the order for Gemini since he will officially only have a 105 dish that came with his DHA plan?
Technology wise, he can just hook up the 105, 119, and 121 LNBs to a switch, leaving the extra 119 and both 110 lnbs unhooked. But will Dish's system reject the order for Gemini since he will officially only have a 105 dish that came with his DHA plan?