Hmmm, 3-4 years now
Well, I heard about the HD radio about 4 years ago. Back when they first started talking about it. Heck before I think even they had sat radio. They said how now you could get weather, titles of songs, etc, etc on the display, emergancy reports, and even advertisments on the display. I thought the display was cool being now I could see what the song name was or who the artist was. In case I missed them anounce it.
Then it stopped. I heard mostly nothing. Just nothing. Looked aroud for receivers and nothing. Then every once in a while I heard something about it like now. You guys are talking about it.
I figured in order for it to work. You would just go out and purchase a new car or sterio receiver or when my Sony cd player in my truck dies. The next time I would purchase would be HD audio Just built in as a standard. (In fact I think they was trying to figure out a standard for a while) Well, Nope. So until they do that. I won't be listening to it anytime soon.
I also thought that XM and Sirus was HD radio at first. Hi quality and better signals. Then quickly afterwords found out it wasn't. I also said who would pay for that when HD radio was around the corner for free.
Was I wrong about pay sat music. Though, the last thing I heard both of them wasn't make good enough money. Also didn't they merge? I have never updated myself on that yet either. LOL