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(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: How may I help you?
Customer: h
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Hi.
Customer: Hello, can you please run down my charges
Customer: ?
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: I'd be happy to assist you with your request.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Please give me a moment to access your account.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: I appreciate your patience.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: The charges on your account are : Locals for $9.99 + dishHD Absolute for $29.99 + DVR Service for $6.00 + HD Duo (2TV) DVR Receiver for $17.00 + HD Solo Receiver for $7.00.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Is there anything else that I can assist you with?
Customer: Why am I being charged for locals now? When I was charged INCLUDING locals all this time less?
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Let me check that for you.
Customer: OK Check my past statements to verify.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Sure.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: I appreciate your patience.
Customer: OK
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: I would like to inform you that you do not have any basic programming package.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: That is the reason you are charged locals separately.
Customer: HD Absolute is a grandfathered package hat has 150+ channels. I know many people that are charged $29.99 W/ LOCALS
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: No, victor.
Customer: Is says on your own site it's a grandfathered package.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: One moment please.
Customer: * Core Packages (Choose 1) Package Details
* Current Grandfathered Package
* --
* American
o Dish America
o $29.99
o America's Top 120
o $39.99
o America's Top 120+
o $44.99
o DISH America Silver
o $44.99
o America's Top 200
o $54.99
o DISH America Gold
o $54.99
o America's Top 250
o $64.99
o America's Everything Pak
o $99.99
* Latino
* Dish Mexico
* $19.99
* Latino Clasico
* $29.99
* Latino Dos
* $39.99
* Latino Max
* $52.99
* International Only
o HD Packages Package Details
+ HD Add-on
+ $10.00
+ HD Add-on
+ $10.00
+ HD Add-on
+ $10.00
+ HD Add-on
+ $10.00
+ HD Add-on
+ $10.00
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Thank you.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: The price of that package is $29.99 a month.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Yes, you are right.
Customer: Can my bill be adjusted then?
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Sure.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: I would like to inform you that it is not $9.99 for the locals.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: I am sorry for the confusion.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Yes, the charge for that package is only $29.99 a month.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: And with locals the charge is $34.99 a month.
Customer: So can you credit me for this month? W/ LOCALS correct?
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Yes, you are right.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: The main problem is your account is not yet updated .
Customer: I know many people on forums that are charged $29
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Okay.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Is there anything else that I can assist you with?
Customer: One more thing. I notice many FOX channels are missing including NatGeO can I be credited for that?
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Sure.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: I'd be glad to offer you 3 PPV movie coupons, worth $5.99 each, as a compensation.
Customer: OK. So what is my NEW charge W/LOCALS for the package?
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: The charge is $34.99 a month.
Customer: Will those be sent to me or applied as a crecit?
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: I have sent you the coupons to your email address: XXXX
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: It will be applied as credits to your account.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: It was a pleasure assisting you! Do you have any more questions for me?
Customer: I see alright I'm still bummed, because I know others are charged $29.99, but it's better that separate.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: The charge for locals is $5.00 a month.
Customer: OK. Thank you then.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: You're welcome.
(03) HY1 Daniel N.ZE0: Thank you for chatting with Dish Network, have a pleasant night!
MODS: Please add: Edit: Seems to adjusted now to $34.99

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