Is Dish dropping Epix channels?


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
I still have the Epix channels in my Movie Pack, but they are not listed anywhere on the Dish site any longer. What is happening? I know there was a thread started on this subject, but it is still a problem and the thread went dead.
It's been talked about in other threads. It was removed from the movie pack, but subs who had the movie pack before EPIX was removed are grandfathered into keeping EPIX. That's so long as they don't drop the movie pack, or Dish used the subject to change clause.
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Good. I watch the Epix channels at times. Plus I get the Roku app on Demand. All these channels that are being dropped, we should get something good to replace them with.
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My $5 discount Movie Pack ends in a few days. If I click on drop the Movie Pack and they offer me a new $5 discount, will I lose the Epix channels, if I accept their offer?
My $5 discount Movie Pack ends in a few days. If I click on drop the Movie Pack and they offer me a new $5 discount, will I lose the Epix channels, if I accept their offer?

I don't think so, but I bet you don't get the offer. After a prolonged period of time of being offered the discount this last time I did not. I was considering dropping the Movie pack but decided to keep it to keep Epix included. I'm paying more (no discount) but we do watch many of those channels and if I dropped it the value without Epix would be diminished if we got the package again.
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We decided to continue Dish Movie Pack at the regular rate of $10/month. We thought about dropping it. However, think of it this way: Epix a la carte is $7. $10 - $7 = $3/month for the additional channels in the Dish Movie Pack, or if you get both without the grandfathering, $10 Dish Movie Pack + $7 Epix a la carte = $17/month or $12/month if you get the $5 promotional discount.
Dish has a new strategy, make more money from fewer customers. This latest switcheroo is a good example of this. They should keep Epix in the package, and maybe don't discount it. It sounds like they are removing Epix and the discount.
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Dish has a new strategy, make more money from fewer customers. This latest switcheroo is a good example of this. They should keep Epix in the package, and maybe don't discount it. It sounds like they are removing Epix and the discount.

Same strategy as newspapers, landline phones, etc. It's legacy technology and if you want it you're going to pay for it
If it works for them, great. I switched last week to Uverse and they actually gave me a $350 gift card to switch. DIRECTV has the same offer.

Wait and see what happens after your promotion ends. I negotiate the Uverse contract for my boss- at his residence- and ATT is always trying to jack up the price of Uverse.

For anybody who thinks Dish is overpriced (and sometimes that person is me), I then remind myself that the Welcome Pack + H3 + HBO is still a great deal. I get basic channels, locals, my OTA stations with adapter, a great receiver (H3), HBO, and the "Go" streaming versions of many channels. Not to mention the countless free previews Dish provides throughout the year. I cannot complain.
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We decided to continue Dish Movie Pack at the regular rate of $10/month. We thought about dropping it. However, think of it this way: Epix a la carte is $7. $10 - $7 = $3/month for the additional channels in the Dish Movie Pack, or if you get both without the grandfathering, $10 Dish Movie Pack + $7 Epix a la carte = $17/month or $12/month if you get the $5 promotional discount.

We were able to extend our 1/2 off movie pack discount and keep the Epix channels.
Same strategy as newspapers, landline phones, etc. It's legacy technology and if you want it you're going to pay for it
Honestly landlines still matter. I know quite a few people that still have them and use them including myself. Tried voip from the cable company and quality was trash, cell phone coverage where we live is fair but your right, when a service has few users your going to have to pay a pretty penny for it ($65 in my case :coco)
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Wait and see what happens after your promotion ends. I negotiate the Uverse contract for my boss- at his residence- and ATT is always trying to jack up the price of Uverse.

For anybody who thinks Dish is overpriced (and sometimes that person is me), I then remind myself that the Welcome Pack + H3 + HBO is still a great deal. I get basic channels, locals, my OTA stations with adapter, a great receiver (H3), HBO, and the "Go" streaming versions of many channels. Not to mention the countless free previews Dish provides throughout the year. I cannot complain.
Correct, dish is the best value and technology you can get for your money.
Honestly landlines still matter. I know quite a few people that still have them and use them including myself. Tried voip from the cable company and quality was trash, cell phone coverage where we live is fair but your right, when a service has few users your going to have to pay a pretty penny for it ($65 in my case :coco)
Landlines certainly matter to me since I get my broadband through DSL. It's kind of rural where I live so DSL is pretty much the only way to get internet service, and I'm certainly not going to pay for overpriced satellite internet. Consequently, I'm limited to 15mg, good for streaming HD but not good for 4k.

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H3 Prob or ??

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