Here is what my bill looks like:
Feb 15 - Mar 14 DISH Network DVR Service Fee 0.00
GoldHD 10.00
PlatinumHD 10.00
TV2 Receiver Connection - (You Can Save $5
By Connecting Your Receiver To A Phone Line /
TV2 Receiver Connection - (You Saved $5 By
Connecting Your Duo Receiver To A Phone Line
/ Broadband.)
America's Everything Pak With Locals 102.98
HD Solo Receiver 7.00
HD Solo Receiver 7.00
HD DuoDVR Receiver 7.00
Feb 03 State/Local Tax (Sales/Gross Receipts) 0.58
For a grand total of $149.56.
I thought now only one VIP 622 had to be plugged into the phone line? Couldn't that save me $5 or is that just in certain packages? Also, is this $10 for Gold and $10 for Platinum their new billing style? If anyone is wondering I have 2 VIP 622's and 2 VIP 211's.
What do you guys think is this what I should be charged? Is there a cheaper alternative for everything I am getting?
Feb 15 - Mar 14 DISH Network DVR Service Fee 0.00
GoldHD 10.00
PlatinumHD 10.00
TV2 Receiver Connection - (You Can Save $5
By Connecting Your Receiver To A Phone Line /
TV2 Receiver Connection - (You Saved $5 By
Connecting Your Duo Receiver To A Phone Line
/ Broadband.)
America's Everything Pak With Locals 102.98
HD Solo Receiver 7.00
HD Solo Receiver 7.00
HD DuoDVR Receiver 7.00
Feb 03 State/Local Tax (Sales/Gross Receipts) 0.58
For a grand total of $149.56.
I thought now only one VIP 622 had to be plugged into the phone line? Couldn't that save me $5 or is that just in certain packages? Also, is this $10 for Gold and $10 for Platinum their new billing style? If anyone is wondering I have 2 VIP 622's and 2 VIP 211's.
What do you guys think is this what I should be charged? Is there a cheaper alternative for everything I am getting?