First of all, Comcast SUCKS. No matter where you are, they suck.
OK, whatever you say - even though I'm guessing you have NEVER even been here before, so of course you KNOW this about OUR particular system...
In Springfield, they offer a whopping 51 (that's FIFTY ONE) HD channels, including exactly ONE of your so-called 'staple' channels: AMC. Not as SINGLE other one that you are whining about. (So what was that about a 'safe bet'?)
You obviously didn't read what I said too closely (what a surprise...)
First of all, they DO NOW have more than
51 HD's! (I'm guessing you're looking at their website, which has not been updated yet - & which you're beloved D* has the SAME problem) They already added
15 MORE HD channels last month (yes, ABOVE those other 51) & I'm SURE sometime after tomorrow, more will be on the way - WAY sooner than D* will ever be adding more.
My "safe bet" statement was obviously due to that they have not announced what's being added - but guess what, they did NOT announce the last 15 new ones - but the point is, THEY DID ACTUALLY ADD SOMETHING MEANINGFUL, so I don't give a $hit that they did NOT formally announce it. It's THERE, & at this point, that's ALL I care about!
And I did NOT say I was DEFINITELY switching to them - actually the thought of dealing with them make me ill. But, I ALREADY have to deal with them on the internet & have limited service already, so again, I'm just now "window shopping"...
Look, if you are THAT satisfied with D* as status quo, then bully for YOU! If having things like MRV, On-Demand garbage (yea, I'm sure their "on-demand" stuff are "staples") & 40 HD PPV channels are your thing, then great - enjoy it! At this point, the HD content I want is more important than these "bells & whistles", that actually most folks (that are NOT on this board) could care less about.
I've been a D* sub for almost since they came on the air, & while I have always touted them as being the superior service, they are starting to fall from grace for me now - sorry if you find this SO personally offending...