Is 4DTV HITS Finally Coming To End?

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 17, 2015
Northwest Louisiana
Hello everyone, I hope I don't get into 2 much trouble or get banned for this topic. I heard if you discuss the other competitors forum then you will be ban from this forum, so I hope I don't get into any trouble. If this off based then I do apologize

I read on that other ' sat forum ' that HITS for people with 4DTV is ending this Summer. Does anyone know if there is any truth or not to this rumor
No your not gonna get the "other" place will, that is them not us.
Yes, unless something changes, HITS is ending in July.
Somebody on the other sat forum had posted a e - mail from Programming Center, the e - mail had stated that Programming Center was working on a resolution for customers
Yep, that is why I said "unless something changes". There is a solution in the works, but don't know how it will go or if it will.
IF they get the approval of Star Choice (But I think that's a BIG IF) that would be fine. But without it, what then? (A hack??)
I really doubt a subscription service would put their stamp of approval on modifying their, closed (provider specific) encryption system, equipment.
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Hearing many rumors, but have yet to see any consumer solution for the new format. Jeff from Manhattan has posted that he talked with Arris at the NAB show about a subscription receiver solution. I would assume that if a consumer option was to be made available for the new HITS format, a product would have already been announced and transition plan would have been in the process. I remain an eternal optimist and wish Jeff the best in his efforts! Guess we need to be patient and see if any consumer product is developed or released.

No puppet masters are pulling my strings or directing my comments. This post may even get me in hot water here. I have no interest in giving more business to Charlie or any other subscription provider. I likely will be unfairly attacked in another forum for joining with the dark forces in attempting to destroy Rainier Satellite by pointing out the obvious and asking a few basic questions. Not my intent, so lets see if we can gather some answers and have an intelligent conversation.

Rainier Satellite is offering current Hits subscribers an equipment purchase discount to receive the their subscription package. Rainier currently offers only a few niche subscription channels, but unfortunately these channels are not mainstream or popular channels that are part of the Hits service. Frankly, no matter how great the "master feed" channels look, they aren't channels that would be watched at my house. Rainier states that they have signed contracts with multiple broadcasters and more popular channels will be added soon. What are these contracted channels? When will these channels be added? I am not trying to destroy Rainier when I ask these serious questions. If these popular channels are not active and available now during the prime time for a subscription provider to promote and offer a transitional option for Hits subscribers, when? Rainier recently posted on another site the development of a new commercial subscription package with popular channels, but did not list the channels. Will the same channels be included in the commercial package and offered to the DTH subscriber? Big white elephants are dancing in an empty ball room and I am wondering if the spotlights light will simply go black or will we see an encore DTH subscription C-band performance?

I am aware of the approximate subscription numbers and there aren't many DTH C-band subscribers left. This market has shrunk tremendously during the past few years. Time is quickly running out to offer a subscription transition to real channels and a real package. Once these subscription channels are dark with no transition process offered, most viewers will look for their channels and entertainment via a different medium. The remaining C-band DTH subscription market will make one more step towards being a footnote in a history book. :(
I'm glad you say something Titanium cause I was afraid to. Again, I seen where you were not allow to talk about Rainier Satellite here on Sat Guys

It is sad that C - Band has seen a very slow death over the years. I remember going to Wal - Mart as a teenager ( I'm 32 ), I'am talking about the old brown box Wal - Mart's before they all turn into Wal - Mart Supercenter. I use to run to the magazine stand looking for the new issue of WCW Magazine cause I was a huge WCW fan growing up and I also picked up and read the old Satellite Orbit magazine and I was fascinated with the C - Band dish and service. I always told myself, that when I became an adult and got some money I would buy a C - Band dish and C - Band service. Sadly that never happen before C - Band service providers disappeared

I remember when there were about 4 or 5 C - Band service providers. I know sadly those days are long, long gone
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Still plenty of stuff up there to watch as a hobby on C-Band.
Stuff comes and goes, but I enjoy it. If you have the room to do so, don't think C-Band is dead.
Maybe for a subscription service, but not as a fun hobby. Also there will be plenty of stuff up on C-Band for years to come!
Not many subscription channels have been available for DTH subscription viewers for many, many years. Now is the perfect time to get into C-band. There are more unencrypted free channels available on C-band now than there ever has been! KE4EST is right about free stuff for hobbyists to watch for many more years to come.

I live in a small town and my office is next door to the library. Last week a local guy saw my door was open as he was dropping some books in the after hours drop box and asked what kind of business I was in. We started talking satellites as he had a BUD for many years and I invited him in to see the big dish in action.

He was blown away by the channels as we surfed. Now he is all excited about finding a free dish to mount on the now empty pole in his yard. He wants to get back into C-band after 15+ years. Kicking himself for giving the BUD to a scrapper.

Pretty neat to see the old-timer all excited about surfing the skies again. He kept asking, "are you sure this is legal?" He was convinced that anything worth watching was scrambled and the receiver must be illegal. I must have assured him that it was completely legal a dozen times. I'm sure his wife will be stopping by soon to see what kind of crazy things I put in her hubby's head. LOL!!!
I was never impressed with HITS. I subbed to them for awhile but got fed up with the poor quality video and the commercials audio level that blew me out of the room. Today, my 4D and 4D HDTV box sits around collecting dust. Anyway, there may be a lot of unencrypted content on C-band but there really isn't all that many programs that interest me. I'm subbed to Netflix and they really don't have a lot that interests me - especially the Politically Correct nonsense that's on TV today. I seriously doubt that I'll spend more money on TV/SAT subs in the future. Don't get me started on Sports programming packages - I'd rather not watch the sports than pay those ridiculus prices.
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BITD, I would spend more time looking for and watching wild feeds than I did watching something I was subscribed to. Even watched many of the First Gulf War feeds.(1990-91) Would even watch many PAL analog feeds. Rolling B&W picture. At least the audio was 'clear'. Up at midnight local time. Some days I wouldn't even sleep. (Is that thing on, can anyone see us?)
Now if it were able to subscribe at a reasonable price for an À la carte channel or two, with a card/module put in the FTA box, I may be swayed. If it requires another receiver, probably not.
IF they get the approval of Star Choice (But I think that's a BIG IF) that would be fine. But without it, what then? (A hack??)
I really doubt a subscription service would put their stamp of approval on modifying their, closed (provider specific) encryption system, equipment.

I remember hearing about this four years ago. I have two high definition star choice for receivers that I would love to convert for use on H I TS. I just don't think it will never come to fruition, not to mention with all of the new IP television provider coming online this may end up not even be cost-effective.
Jeff and the Manhattan group are in talks with Arris for the next gen of receivers, to allow us to subscribe to the new HITS system.

Whoops, I didn't notice that Brian already said this above.
I have nothing again Rainier I applaud them for trying to keep stuff available on C Band. The issue is with Glenn (and its been a long history) but he got upset when I cut him off advertising Map Master which he was making a lot of money on and it was supposed to be free. He felt since he was doing the industry a favor that he should be able to advertise here for free and was upset I cut off his main revenue source. Glenn think that because a forum is open to the public he can do as he wants and advertise as he wants when in reality each site on the internet is private property and the owner of the site sets the rules. Its funny if you go to the forum he runs and post about SatelliteGuys he deletes it and bans the user which he thinks is ok (and I guess since it is his site it is) but he feels the same does not apply to him on other sites.

Truth of the matter is SatelliteGuys has no sponsors... we use to sell sponsorship's to companies but stopped when our FTA members felt that because X Brand FTA company was a sponsor that they could only talk about products sold or made by the X Brand Sponsor. This was not the case at all and I turned off a nice revenue stream to better support the FTA community and let people know they could talk about any legal FTA products they want here.

Now because of that the besides the support of our Pub Members we have the Google Adsense ads and Advertising.COM ads, the rest of the site I pay for OUT OF MY OWN POCKET. We have NO DIRECT SPONSORSHIP with any company.

If Rainier wanted to advertise their product here all's they need to do is go to Google and target SatelliteGuys. It's that simple.

No last time I looked at their site it was $750 for a satellite receiver that has been discontinued from the manufacturer that can only be watched on one TV and does not offer any kind of DVR features. Then its another $130 a year for the programming and for me there are no channels they carry which I would watch. But for some they might find it interesting so if you want to spend that kind of money and like that kind of programming then god bless you.

Finally I would like to clear the air and state that I am not "Charlies Puppet" nor am I paid by ANY Satellite company in any way. This is SatelliteGuys where we cover all things satellite. Our DISH and DIRECTV areas are very popular as are our FTA sections. For the last 13 years I have gone to any and all the major satellite shows (including co sponsoring the Satellite Expos) and attending the Consumer Electronics Show. At these shows I cover all Satellite Companies... as of late though the ONLY company that has been in attendance is DISH Network. Because they are the only Satellite Company there and because a majority of our traffic is for the DISH forum we cover them. This is also the only time of the year where we can meet face to face with them (and yes Charlie too) to me it is important to make sure our resources are available to them so they can make stuff available to our members. Everything I do for these shows is paid out of my own pocket and I do it so that SatelliteGuys remains on the forefront of the Satellite Industry.

I have read on other sites that we are in bed with DISH because we do beta testing with them (and well also with DIRECTV too) let me make it clear that they come to us and ask for our help because we have the audience they need (and lets face it SatelliteGuys member's are good at finding bugs and issues) so they ask us for help. We are not paid a cent by any satellite company for this we do it because we want to make the Satellite World Better. If ANY Satellite company has something that we can help out with, we are all ears and will help out the best we can. I do not talk to Charlie or anyone else from any satellite company on a regular basis. but if they call I will happily take their call.

DISH or any other Satellite Company does not have any say here nor have they ever suggested that we say anything on their behalf. Anything I say or do is on my behalf. In fact I remember one time DISH wanted to add a rule for its retailers that they could be terminated for selling legal FTA equipment, I as a fan of FTA put up a big stink about it and told them basically to go pound stand. My first love in satellite was the first C Band Dish I purchased myself when I was 18 years old. I would say I am more of a FTA guy then I am a DISH or DIRECTV guy, my big issue now is not enough time to play with them all (and I really need to find someone to come peak my C Band dish) :) I have also never worked with any companies like DISH to uplink any channels for free to keep people from signing up for Rainier.

Finally I am not paid by DISH or any other Satellite company. There was a period I DID work for DISH but that was only to setup their DishSupport.COM website / forum. That was a contract job and when the contract was done I opted not to renew it because I didn't really have anything to do. Once it was setup and running it was setup and running. :)

We are proud supporters of the true FTA community and always will be, but by the same token we will always work to support the entire consumer satellite industry as best we can... and as you look around you will see we haven't done a bad job.

Thanks for being SatelliteGuys, if you have other friends who are interested in the hobby send them our way. :)
Waaay back in the old days when the caravans rode through the villages...they say that all the dogs would run out and bark at the camels. But the caravans just kept moving along.

So... Don't let a bunch of yapping dogs stop you from getting to where you're going. ;)

I have no axe to grind with anyone. :bigok
I am aware of the approximate subscription numbers and there aren't many DTH C-band subscribers left. This market has shrunk tremendously during the past few years.

There are not many around any longer who install large satellite dishes and that is what is needed to revive any type of subscription service if it were even viable in these days.
Realistically, just how many are there with a working 10' dish or larger, as that is what is needed these days to properly view many of these digital signals. Then; is there anyone still making a 10' dish?

Most of us here are in it for the hobby and again just how many are there? Has anyone tried to count the numbers?

HTH allowed many with a much smaller dish to receive those signals, so even those subscription numbers are not reliable for a realistic subscription service again like it once was.

Rainer may have had the heart but not being realistic will cause more damage to some then the help they profess.
Then there is the integrity/honesty part which they have failed miserably by past actions on the part of 1 individual!

This hobby has seen more shills hawking their products then most other industries, and one needs to be very wary of them all.
While this may seem like a downer of a post it is not intended that way but to say we do need to start thinking with our brain and not our heart and face reality. (oh that just opens a whole new can of worms now doesn't it?)

Look how difficult it is to get a decent FTA receiver in N A, every quad core receiver tested did not meet the standards for 4k viewing and recording.
The last receiver released quickly became a fiasco that even the dealers dumped it and is still an on-going problem for the end users with some sending it back for a refund as it did not live up to it's claims. That testament is one of the longest current threads here on this forum.

Here we have no cable or small dish tv, it is strictly FTA BUD usage and what is "UP" there FTA has satisfied all our TV desires.

We have been in this hobby for many years and can still remember when HBO was analog FTA. There have been many changes and the one to come I believe is digital streaming. If one is lucky enough to know the right places one can find many of the normal cable channels out there FTA being streamed digitally and if your savvy enough one can build a pc or have one built that would connect to any new large screen TV via HDMI and stream right into ones tv room. The possibilities are endless but you would need good internet download access to do this which some do not have so it is not going to be for everyone.
This is all part of the hobby which makes it interesting.
Personally I do not see it ever being mainstream again as the BUD's once were, but just a hobby for those lucky few of us out there.
I remember when there were about 4 or 5 C - Band service providers. I know sadly those days are long, long gone

I remember in the early to mid 90's there were 20 or more programmers and third party pacakgers. NPS. TurnerVision, Turner Home Satellite, Galaxy Programming, SatelliteSource (that was Echosphere/EchoStar's third party packager), Netlink, All Star Programming, American Programming Service, HBO Direct, Showtime, Disney Home Satellite, and who could forget Superstar, that's just to name a few I can recall.
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