iPad vs Android tablet vs laptop


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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
I have a gent at work who wants to maybe get an iPad. His actual needs are to access Exchange on our server for email, calendar, contacts etc. There might be some minor accessing of his PC at work for reading Word and other documents. He will not consider an iPhone because he's happy with his flip phone. He might do a little surfing, but no video watching, no music, no entertainment. He says he thinks it would be good thing to throw in the car to access his info.

Now, I know next to nothing about tablets. Is this an appropriate use for an iPad? I view them as primarily entertainment devices. And what would AT&T charge for data access (3G) for this? Same as iPhone plans?

Would an Android tablet work, and for much less? Same data rates?

I'm moving him toward a laptop, which he already has, and a 3G dongle. $60/month for corporate plan.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Here's a link to an article talking about MS Exchange and iOS (iPad): InformIT: Deploying iPhones and iPads on Your Network > Preparing the Network Services You Want to Support

In other reading I've seen many talking about doing it and some that have done it with good results, but I have no direct experience. There is indication that corporate America is embracing the iPad quite a lot, so that is a positive thing.

As to Android, well others would have to say how well it does or doesn't work with an Exchange server in the mix, but from a dollars and cents standpoint, an Android tablet isn't a big dollar savings (if any) for one with an OS designed for tablets. Android for tablets hasn't shipped yet from my understanding.

Data charges would be the same.

If he is comfortable hauling around the laptop, maybe staying with it is a better choice for him.
You know from other threads that I have become a huge iPad proponent but I am admittedly still a novice. There is a way to sync "Calendar" in iPad to Outlook but I have not figured that out yet. (I rarely use an electronic calendar outside of work so I don't need that capability yet.) iPad's e-mail ap. can access Exchange for e-mail as well but again I have not taken the time to learn how to do that. I checked the Apple iPad on-line User Guide and did not see that topic. But I did purchase an electronic iPad book from a 3rd party author and it confirms the connectivity with Exchange and other clients. Presumably that book covers the details but I did not dig further. The link in lparson21's post above also confirms the compatibility.

There are currently 2 AT&T 3G iPad data plans, 250MB for $15 per month and 2GB for $25 per month. I chose the latter. (Those rates might be different for corporate accounts, but I don't know if they exist for iPad.) In the several months I've been using the 'Pad I have easily gobbled-up 250MB in a couple of weeks, but I haven't come close to the 2GB ceiling. You can always buy more time mid-month. If your company is amenable to setting him up on your WiFi and VPN (my company is not at present), then he won't even need the 3G connection as long as he's in reach of WiFi.
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It's the company where I work. He wants it for use on the road, and at home, where he plans to drop his Fios internet service.
I'm not convinced that enterprise applications and Apple iOS are a good mix when compared to alternatives. I think it really depends on the control your company places on employee access. Where my wife works Blackberry is the only way they permit. She isn't even allowed to connect her ipad to the network at work. That's why she has the 5Spot with 3G service and it works well.

Isn't there a Blackberry tablet? Or one soon coming out?

I can tell you there is an iPAD application that allows you to do remote PC desktop and work easily from the ipad like you were sitting in front of your PC. I use it and it is trouble free. I even fooled one of my Machead relatives I had loaded Windows XP on my iPAD last summer. It was a good joke!

As for the Android stuff, It works well and I think it's main advantage is the 7" size, especially if you are mobile and need to carry in a coat pocket. ipad size is better for me because I don't need to tote it around all the time.
I have had a iTouch for two years. Both 2nd Gen and now a 4th Gen. They are synced with no issues to my companies Exchange server. We have pin Secruity required. All works perfect and actually better than any of Android devices.

Now on Monday I got an iPad which is also now tied to my exchange. When iPads came I had no interest. However after see my boss use his daily I was impressed. At this point I will take an iPad over Android tablet or low end tablet.

I am especially impressed that the iPad is much more than a large iTouch. Battery life far exceeds the other devices.

He is better getting a 3G iPad or just a WiFi.

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