iPad Mini Announced

On a technical note I have a G5 PPC tower with 10.5.8 Leopard. How will I be able to transfer from the G5 to the Ipad Mini I am ordering on Friday, is there a way to use Wi Fi with the G5. Thanks for any help. ron

Can you get a wireless usb card for the G5? I have no experience with PPC machines, but assuming 1) that it can run the latest iTunes, and 2) has ethernet for internet; you can sync the iPad via the lightning to usb cable with itunes. But I am guessing the iTunes question is the big one. You are four releases back in OS, but on a different architecture. I really don't know.
The G5 is pretty long in the tooth (launched 2003, last sale 2006). You may be at the end of the line, ie, you won't be able to get a version of iTunes running that supports the iPad mini.

Since its a desktop machine, consider a 2011 version of the mac mini. Apple should be lowering the price on them by100 bucks soon which would get you on Intel hardware for about 500.

Problem is that you would likely have to buy all your software over again :(

I don't know how tech savvy you are but you could use apples remote desktop equivalent (it's vnc) to connect to the G5 to run programs there.

Its easy for me to say that, as it's not my money.

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Thanks for the replies, I have 10.6.3 Itunes and use it to send from the G5 to an ATV3. The answer may be the Lightning USB cable to Itunes. I have my fingers crossed. I have considered the Mini for a long time, but have decide to wait for the 27 inch Imac with retina display which I suspect will come this spring. I also want a new 103 OPPO which I could connect the Mini to with the lightning to HDMI adapter, because the 103 has HDMI in. ron
Thanks for the replies, I have 10.6.3 Itunes and use it to send from the G5 to an ATV3. The answer may be the Lightning USB cable to Itunes. I have my fingers crossed. I have considered the Mini for a long time, but have decide to wait for the 27 inch Imac with retina display which I suspect will come this spring. I also want a new 103 OPPO which I could connect the Mini to with the lightning to HDMI adapter, because the 103 has HDMI in. ron

If it's anything like when I upgraded us to iOS 6 you have to have iTunes 10.7 installed.
Yes I see that now, and the G5 can't handle 10.7 I am hoping the DLNA on the new Asus 66U wireless router I just ordered will provide a path.
Apple did it again on the mini...

They underestimated the demand for their new products. The controversial ipad mini seems to be a hit.

SAN FRANCISCO--Apple Inc. (AAPL) appears to have sold out of initial inventory for some of its new iPad Mini tablets shortly after it began taking preorders Friday, suggesting strong interest in the new product.
The Cupertino, Calif. company began accepting customer's orders shortly after midnight Pacific Time, as it has for other recent product launches such as the iPhone 5. And, just as with its latest smartphone, Apple's website began indicating delays for some models about an hour after it began taking preorders. The company's website now tells customers that any new preorders of the white-colored iPad Mini will be available to ship in two weeks.
I don't know if they did it again there or not, we will need to hear some numbers. I have been hearing they don't have a lot of minis as there is a shortage of screens.

I see the iPad 4 is still available for launch day shipping (and a few weeks later) on the cell versions.
Scott is absolutely correct. Without knowing initial supply available for sale all you know is they sold X number out. X could be anywhere from 50,000 to 1 million. My guess is around 200 K units.

Not bad, but selling out 200K units isn't the same feat as selling out a million plus.

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Did you really think that was the ad? I saw the real one and it was not that. Condescending? no. Cute, yes. Go look at the real one.

Scott, you didn't understand what I was saying with "Apple did it again." They have continued with a strategy in the past year or two of offering a shortage of supply to meet demand. I'm sure some here who have studied economics 101 got it. Shortage of supply generates a frenzy of demand. This in and of itself will increase sales. It has nothing to do with 200K or 1 million of 10 million supply. Even if they have the supply, holding back on release, can increase the demand. They don't need to generate all the sales in a week. This marketing strategy works as long as you don't send your customers to the competition. For Apple, I don't think there is that worry as once a customer has his mind set on the ipad, he won't settle for a Kindle if he knows the ipad mini will be available in 2 weeks.
You're an engineer with an engineer mindset, meaning you need numbers to understand a concept in marketing. True marketing is a strategy built around psychology of the buyer and has absolutely nothing to do with the inventory count.
I would be remiss if I neglected to point out another angle of initial shortages. It lends an air of exclusivity to the product if you are one of the lucky ones to receive a unit in the first round of shipments.

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"OMG, they're run out, you say?"
"How will I be able to get one for my kid/wife/husband/dog for Xmas??"
"Two weeks? Guess I'd better get on a waiting list." (something the average buyer never did)

"Yea, I ordered at midnight when it was released. Had mine forEVER, now!" ;)
"Let's go stand in line tonight for the new XYZ movie." lol!
I ordered the 32 GB Black Mini yesterday at 6:33 am along with a cover, power adapter, and HDMI adapter. The cover and adapter have shipped to arrive Monday. The Mini has been debited, but not yet shipped. The Asus n66u wireless router, arrived yesterday, and was easy to get working, the only thing I have that can use it is the ATV3 and it works well, I am ordering an Asus dual band adapter for the G5 PPC tower, (36.00). Until now I have had everything hard wired.
I am Just stunned, I turned on the OPPO 83(hardwired) and a portable HD hooked to the Asus 66 just showed up. I used to get it to do so from the G5 with playback but it was quirky, this was easy. Can't wait for the Mini.
After spending 2 hours in line to vote today, I went to Best Buy to see the new ipad mini. They sold out of all models early this morning except for one 32GB model. plus the demo. I got a hands on and it performed very well and played a movie with good quality picture and sound. The salesman compared it to his large Samsung smartphone and if you carry a phone that big, the ipad mini is not worth the purchase. Then we went to the iphone 5 and now I see why iphone 5 users or 4s users are keen on the mini. These iphones are so small compared to even my htc Thunderbolt, that there is no advantage to the mini. It really depends on your smartphone size. Performance it was very snappy, as good as my ipad3 and better than my original ipad.

Also, amazing that the Manhattan Apple store had a line today waiting to buy the ipad mini. I guess waiting in line for non existent gas or non in stock ipad mini or iphone 5 is just a matter of which line is worth it. I chose the line to vote today. :D But to be honest, I would rather be waiting in line at Disney.
The UPS guy usually comes about 2pm, I went out for coffee this morning and spotted the driver down town about 9:30, he was happy to give me the new Mini on the spot. After some fun setting up and getting on my new wifi network, I was just sitting in front of the TV watching the news, and playing with various things about itunes, and noticed a little box asking about Airplay, I hit AppleTV and turned on the AV receiver and like magic I now have a little notepad of song titles that only take a touch to play in the apple lossless format. It is truly amazing.