Introduction from FTA Noobie

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Good job on the install. Tweaking the dish might get you higher readings, but every receiver is different as was said before. Take the dish/rec/tv out to the dish and you'll have much better luck with the minor adjustments. And welcome to the forum.
I'm still struggling to get my signal and quality levels up to where i think they should be. Not sure if its this crappy X2HD box or what. I'm wanting to get a better receiver, but really want to be a bit future proofed if i can get something with 422 and possibly 4k and stream able. Also i'm thinking about a TBS6903 card.

Any suggestions on receiver (MicroHD, 9000i?) And a better Ku LNB than this GSP SL1PLL?

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I think the X2 stuff are good receivers for the price. Few small issues but for the price.... I have had good luck with the X2 KU lnb's as well.

Start hunting for a good C band dish. 10 foot or bigger will future proof you more then any receiver on the market right now.
Our homeboy Titanium sells great LNBFs at a fair price. His ASC1 is a monster at moving dishes.
His customer service can not be beat. He is really a blessing to hobbyist.

For tweaking out your KU dish adjust your skew a bit. You should find a point that brings it up some. As spongella said each receiver will read the %
a bit different. My X2 Mini and X2 Premium V read some stuff at 64-68% My Super V8 reads the same feed it at 77%.
IM running an x2 receiver myself. it isnt a bad receiver, my only issue really has been the heat it generates. But if you cool it off with a usb fan its not too bad. It does tend to show signal quality a lot lower then the other receiver i have, and lower then the meter i use. For the price its not bad and is pretty easy to use. Im kinda looking at other receiver myself, and have been told the linkbox 9000i is a good receiver. But I may hold off and see what a couple of other receivers that are newish do and how they perform before i take the plunge. The new Manhattan receiver looks promising if it gets built and performs they way they hope it does, and they claim it will be 4k, 422 and 16aspk 32aspk capable. only time will tell. a lot of these guys been doing this a long time and have tried a lot of the receivers out there so i put a lot of stock in what they advise. Just from reading these forums i was able to pretty much set up both ku and c-band with a little nudge here and there from the fine folks here. All i can tell you is im hooked. My wife shakes her head almost daily now as i been toting home more stray dishes. personally im on the look out for a decent 12' dish for my personal installation. I have a couple of 10' dishes now and it works pretty good but still needs tweaking, and should be in good shape after my asc-1 arrives so i can reliably move my dish around. I guess what im trying to say is there are a lot of components im more interested in upgrading or acquiring before i replace the X2 M1HD+ receiver as it does perform fairly well for the price i paid for it and i want to make sure i buy the right receiver when i do take the plunge.
IM running an x2 receiver myself. it isnt a bad receiver, my only issue really has been the heat it generates. ....

Thanks for the reply. Good to know my X2 is working as normal. I dont really have any issues picking up most all the wildfeeds posted on the Ku bands. My next upgrade is looking for a 4' Ku dish to replace this 90cm and get more solid lock on some of those hard to lock Ku birds.

I never had any issue with that box when i was using it for ku only other then the heat. To be fair all you really have to do is put a usb fan on it and it cools off ok. There is more then one feed on c-band its had issues with, and for the price it isnt a bad box and appears pretty easy to use.
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