Well, thanks EarDemon. Got router slower speed figured out. I too thought upgrading to a new router from my three year old Linksys router would fix the issue. But new router does the same thing from an early test right after I got everything on line with no modifications and latest firmware.
I disconnected all wired and wireless devices from my router except my doorbell camera and my laptop. Got consistent speed test from prior earlier high 700s / 25 to low 900s / 40. Apparently all my things additional bandwidth is slowing the speed test some. Funny thing is, after I connect all devices back up and performed some more speed test, the down is hitting high 700s and the up still hitting 35 to 40. Maybe everything needed a reset or maybe the Internet traffic is slow at this time of the morning. That is pretty nice up speed. Again my Spectrum service is 940 / 35.
I haven't decided to call Netgear yet about the issue since I now know why the router is a little slower. It is still plenty fast for my household needs. Do you know of a way I can turn off the QoS in my router? Thanks again for your help and other SatGuy Members too.