Euronews will eventually be available only at the 118.7 slot. Dish is currently paying for the migration of current subscribers from 148 and 61.5 to 118.7.
Now, Dish is NOT going to turn-on Eurochannel for you, then just a few weeks or months later, pay for your free migration to 118.7. So, as far as Dish is concerned all NEW subs to internationals are to be at 118.7 whenever possible, that is the current status and has been the case for quite some time, and they have always handled migrations this way. It doesn't work for you very well, but I do think that it is fair. Officially, internationals are no longer available at the 148 or 61.5 slots, and, in fact, they really won't be there much longer. However, any current subs to internationals that will be taken down from 148 or 61.5 are provided with a completely FREE upgrade so that subs continue to receive the same services they do today.
In my case, I was already an international sub, so, although I wanted Eurochannel sooner, I had to wait for Dish to get around to sending me the letter notifying me of a FREE upgrade. So, they paid for the whole new Dish 1000 Plus. Then I just ordered Eurochannel incurring no equipment upgrade costs. Had I not waited, I would have had to pay for the 1000 Plus myself. It was worth the wait for Dish to do it for me for FREE.