Installs Inc. is a joke!

Tyork, my post was in no way shape or manner a put down to you, and i just want you to know that. I can not speak for the work or how they handle things nationwide, but would imagine its no different than here, where they are based.
Like i had stated all the installers they lost were long time quality installers, you know its bad when amerilinks field manager, who has more knowledge in this field than anyone i have ever met, and is a quiet easy going man, ups and quits due to their incompetance.

You are correct, once radio shack discontinued dtv sales and was not doing all the specials from dishnet, the work loads died off, but obviously none of us were willing to deal with the total chaos that comes with Installs inc for additional work.

By reading over your many posts here i can tell you actually care about customers and your job, its unfortunate you are probably in the minority in that company, most every other person i have had dealings with were either totally clueless or totally didnt give a crap.
I was told that Jeff you mention has only more recently become field manager for the area, that makes him the 3rd for buffalo since the takeover 2 years ago.
You do a great service here helping and answering questions, the only place i would have to totally disagree with you on, is all the wonderful and great talking about Installs inc, maybe the section that handles your area is better, but the nightmares i hear from across the country, read on these forums, and have witnessed and dealt with first hand, would still make me say that they are by far the Worst Company I have ever worked with. :no
BuffMan said:
Tyork, my post was in no way shape or manner a put down to you, and i just want you to know that. I can not speak for the work or how they handle things nationwide, but would imagine its no different than here, where they are based.
Like i had stated all the installers they lost were long time quality installers, you know its bad when amerilinks field manager, who has more knowledge in this field than anyone i have ever met, and is a quiet easy going man, ups and quits due to their incompetance.

You are correct, once radio shack discontinued dtv sales and was not doing all the specials from dishnet, the work loads died off, but obviously none of us were willing to deal with the total chaos that comes with Installs inc for additional work.

By reading over your many posts here i can tell you actually care about customers and your job, its unfortunate you are probably in the minority in that company, most every other person i have had dealings with were either totally clueless or totally didnt give a crap.
I was told that Jeff you mention has only more recently become field manager for the area, that makes him the 3rd for buffalo since the takeover 2 years ago.
You do a great service here helping and answering questions, the only place i would have to totally disagree with you on, is all the wonderful and great talking about Installs inc, maybe the section that handles your area is better, but the nightmares i hear from across the country, read on these forums, and have witnessed and dealt with first hand, would still make me say that they are by far the Worst Company I have ever worked with. :no

That fine bratman I am in Indiana, and I can tell you that Jeff Yukie is a good guy to work for i work with him at Amerilink, And i have to say we don't have the problem you guy seem to be have there. but i bet i not that way now or want be for long with Jeff being over that area.

After the one call from Installs Inc. today saying they would get things straightened out and call me back I have heard nothing. I told them that Saturday is their last chance to make things right. Based on their record thus far, I am positive that come Monday things will be just as screwed up as they are now, if not worse. Installs Inc. is just one big $hit stain on Voom's reputation.
TYork if I were you, I'd put as much distance between myself and Installs Inc. as possible, you deserve to be associated with a better class of people than them.
uboatcmdr said:
After the one call from Installs Inc. today saying they would get things straightened out and call me back I have heard nothing. I told them that Saturday is their last chance to make things right. Based on their record thus far, I am positive that come Monday things will be just as screwed up as they are now, if not worse. Installs Inc. is just one big $hit stain on Voom's reputation.
TYork if I were you, I'd put as much distance between myself and Installs Inc. as possible, you deserve to be associated with a better class of people than them.

do you know who it was you were talking to today at INSTALL INC?

TYORK said:
do you know who it was you were talking to today at INSTALL INC?


No, she never gave me her name. I had called Voom and they said they would have Installs Inc. call me, then you said you sent Installs an email and they would contact me. Whether the call came as a result of your actions or the Voom CSR I do not know. I do know that I let them know in no uncertain terms that this Saturday is the absolute last day they have to get a working OTA antenna installed.
uboatcmdr said:
No, she never gave me her name. I had called Voom and they said they would have Installs Inc. call me, then you said you sent Installs an email and they would contact me. Whether the call came as a result of your actions or the Voom CSR I do not know. I do know that I let them know in no uncertain terms that this Saturday is the absolute last day they have to get a working OTA antenna installed.

ok let me see what i can do.

uboatcmdr said:
No, she never gave me her name. I had called Voom and they said they would have Installs Inc. call me, then you said you sent Installs an email and they would contact me. Whether the call came as a result of your actions or the Voom CSR I do not know. I do know that I let them know in no uncertain terms that this Saturday is the absolute last day they have to get a working OTA antenna installed.

I just got a email from the Regional Manager and h assured me that you will be taken care of on Saturday. He has the Field Manager on it him self to make sure it gets done on Saturday.

LOL, after asking about if there was a QC dept, guess who just happened to drop by today. Yep a QC person who proceeded to tell me, after looking over things, that it really was a pisspoor install. They asked me to sign their report and of the 8-10 items not one had Pass selected...everything marked as failed including failing to even hook up a ground. Was also told they inspected 12 jobs in the littleton area of colorado a few days before and out of the 12 10 failed. Not really suprising but he said all 10 of those as well as mine were done by a sub called Installs Direct. As, depending on who one speaks to, Voom is still doing some installs I would personally confirm who is going to do yours if you live in the Denver area and if your told Installs Direct tell em no. The QC person said it appears ID has , in his words, bad hackers and I would not even consider allowing then near my house again.

At least with QC being shocked, and I mean this guy went out to his truck and got a camera and took pic's, at least I know it isnt my imagination that the install was so poorly done.
bratboy said:
LOL, after asking about if there was a QC dept, guess who just happened to drop by today. Yep a QC person who proceeded to tell me, after looking over things, that it really was a pisspoor install. They asked me to sign their report and of the 8-10 items not one had Pass selected...everything marked as failed including failing to even hook up a ground. Was also told they inspected 12 jobs in the littleton area of colorado a few days before and out of the 12 10 failed. Not really suprising but he said all 10 of those as well as mine were done by a sub called Installs Direct. As, depending on who one speaks to, Voom is still doing some installs I would personally confirm who is going to do yours if you live in the Denver area and if your told Installs Direct tell em no. The QC person said it appears ID has , in his words, bad hackers and I would not even consider allowing then near my house again.

At least with QC being shocked, and I mean this guy went out to his truck and got a camera and took pic's, at least I know it isnt my imagination that the install was so poorly done.

did he fix it?

No QC did call the guy who was scheduled to come out here to look things over and told him point blank your gonna have to do a complete rewire/install other than the dish and Ant mounting and he was fine with it but then he called me and said Installs Inc wouldnt allow anything and that I'd have to call voom.

First I called Installs Inc, who basically said soo sad too bad that the install was so piss poor we wont have anyone fix it. I said this is no longer asking for Ant upgrade but that, as they were paid to do a pro job and QC said they didnt, I feel I am not asking too much in wanting someone to come out and at least correctly ground things and at least point the Ant properly etc. I said Installs Direct was paid to do the job, QC says they didnt and that even if Voom vanishes on the 30th I deserve to have a decent install done and to be able to enjoy my VaVa while its still here and paid for. Thier response was "you have to call Voom, doesnt matter Installs Direct screwed up the install we wont do anything to fix/earn what voom paid for without Voom demanding it". I then called Voom and spoke with a super who said was doing some form that would be sent to a specialist to see what if anything can be done (crosses fingers). I mean fine they don't wanna spend money upgradfing ants and such but am I really being that unresonable to want then to at least send someone to fix all the crude that wasnt done? :mad:

Sorry if rambled a bit...really not having a "GOOD" day hehe
well i have post on another thread they have pulled all orders and service call even the de-installs where are not do anything with voom effective now. and the word i got was not to even qc them as of today.

I think Voom would have had some kind of future if they had dumped Installs Inc. a few months ago. But now the only thing left to do is dig a hole and bury the corps. Just wish someone would push Installs Inc. into the same hole, cuz that is one garbage company I never want to have deal with again.
Yes they are and a big part of Vooms demise, as they "bled" voom for everyting they could, from dbl and triple service calls, to subs billing for upgrade antennas that didnt need to be done. They are just another example of big money hungry outfit only worried about getting their piece of the pie and sending crap down the line. :no

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