Stuart-B said:
Was there anything in our original agreement that requires us to return them? What I mean by that, is that I don't want to have to go through the trouble of packing it up, driving to the Post Office and waiting in line for ages. I don't really see why I should. I have paid good money for the service, and if they cancel I presume the onus to be on them to do a professional un-install including removing all equipment and patching holes they created through my external walls.

I agree with this too. Voom did not allow self installs so they will have to physically come to my door and get the receiver. And maybe if I have better things come up on that day I will reschedule a few times just like they did.
spahoose said:
You should receive a letter in about two to three weeks outlining how the removal of the equipment will take place. That is the only info anyone has at this point. As far as the return boxes go, they are prepaid FedEx and you have the option of having FedEX pick them up or you can drop them off at a FedEX drop site at your leisure.

Does anyone actually have this info or is this just what people think may happen? I really don't care what we speculate they will do.

Rant to follow..

I think since they want their stuff back and they severed the relationship they should be responsible to put my roof back the way it was.. I don't care if that means they have to pay for someone to put a new roof on my house..
They are responsible for destruction of my property, which was only authorized with the understanding i was going to have service for at least the 6 month contract.
The decision on whether the boxes are to be returned or not is expected to be announced next week.
There is a good possibility that VOOM will decide to abandon their boxes. Next week we should know for sure.
ram1220 said:
Voom did not allow self installs so they will have to physically come to my door and get the receiver.
Voom didn't install the receiver, they sent an agent. Voom won't come to get the reciever, they will send an agent, apparently FedEx (if anyone - we are still at the rumor stage).

I don't believe you want FedEx patching holes in your roof / siding / wherever. :D

Read the contract close enough and you'll probably find a clause that says they are not responsible for 'damage' done by the install.

DevOne said:
The question that should be asked, is there a way to block Voom/CVC from filing a complaint with your credit agency? If there is, then it's incumbent on them to accommodate you with pickup times et. all. Lord knows they're not going to take you to court over $1200. Too costly for the company. I know we are responsible to surrender equipment at the end of our contract/subscription, but did their license specifically state that WE are responsible for equipment removal? If they want the STBs, they better pick them up themselves at my convenience. Send Chuck and Jimmy over to pick it up for being gutless and shutting the service down (and since Chuck ultimately voted 'yay' on the shutdown, he's culpable too).

No, Voom probably won't take you to court over $1200. What they WILL do is sell your contract for the receivers collection to a collections agency for say around $900.00. Then the collection dogs WILL go after your butt via credit reporting info, small claims courts and wage garnishments.

CVC is outta the satellite business and at this point they probably couldn't give a rats arse who they torque off. Especially since millions have been lost.
I am pretty sure they will either blow off the receiver collections or they will farm it out to a third party for a set dollar amount and this third party WILL be hardcore about collecting the receivers since it will be their bottom line involved AND collections is their speciality.

Do you really want these butt-heads trashing your credit report and calling you every night at dinner?

If you rented the box, send it back if they send you a pre-paid shipping container and hope somebody will stop by and squirt a pint of goop in the holes in your roof. Or, get your neighbor to help you then move on!


Life is too freaking short to get so wound up over the demise of Voom.

Now if you had spend 42 years working for Lockheed, retired, then at 75 years of age find out your pension and lifetime medical were bankrupt, then you have a right to obey the voices in your head that say "Kill! Kill! Kill!!" Especially since you personally paid for that pension and medical coverage. That happened to my father in-law and there is squat he can do about it.
I told him about Voom and my rented receiver and he just laughed.
Yeah they are going to go through all that expense so they can then rent a place to keep worthless equipment. Or they are going to spend all that to sell them on e-bay.
justalurker said:
Voom didn't install the receiver, they sent an agent. Voom won't come to get the reciever, they will send an agent, apparently FedEx (if anyone - we are still at the rumor stage).

I don't believe you want FedEx patching holes in your roof / siding / wherever. :D

Read the contract close enough and you'll probably find a clause that says they are not responsible for 'damage' done by the install.


Read what I wrote. I never said they needed to repair my roof. I'm in an apt. and the disk is attatched to the rail. And I don't care who the heck did the install. They were hired by Voom.
"for each STB you fail to return as stated in your contract"

I see this posted over and over. Where is it stated? How 'bout a reference?

Sorry...but it's NOT stated in my contract. The only reference is to when *I* order the disconnect...then I am contractually obligated to return the equipment. *I* didn't cancel, they did.

Let's let Voom give the official word on this.....

I'm sick and tired of coming across threads about people complaining about returns when in fact Voom has not mentioned anything official on this to its subscribers as of yet. Before you start your complaining and bickering, let's see what the official word from Voom is. I know several CSR's have speculated already, but we know how good their word is on issues like this because they are not in the inner circle that dictates all things that go on in this company, so let's leave it to the bigheads. You guys may be freaking out for no reason at all, when in fact they might not be taking back their receivers. Whether or not you guys who are complaining are actually right, let's hear an official word, which from what I've heard could be this week and even as soon as tomorrow during Cablevision's board meeting.
If Voom wants the boxes back, and makes it easy to return them, then I will indeed hand them back. Bottom line, they are leased and do not belong to me. Just do not expect me to block off a 4-5 hour window for an installer to possibly show up.

I have been trying to figure out WHY they would want them back given the cost of retrieval. The only theory I can think of is that Voom may actually be leasing them from Motorola and therefore will only get credit for returned units.

It may not state on your contract in black and white that you have to return them. But likewise, if you become obstinate about it, do not be surprised to see a charge on your credit card or a black mark on your credit report.

You can buy a better OTA tuner at Walmart for < $200 and the guide will work after Voom goes dark.
ram1220 said:
Read what I wrote. I never said they needed to repair my roof. I'm in an apt. and the disk is attatched to the rail. And I don't care who the heck did the install. They were hired by Voom.
You are not the only one in this thread demanding "Voom" come to their door - not every word in my reply applies to you but instead of quoting everyone I picked yours because of the demand that Voom come to your door.

Your installers were contracted through Voom. The same way as FedEx will (possibly) get the contract to retrieve a carton with your receiver inside it. Another reason why I picked your post to reply ... you wanted Voom to come to your door and that is about as far as the FedEx driver is going to come to pick up the equipment. To your door.

Lobstah said:
Sorry...but it's NOT stated in my contract. The only reference is to when *I* order the disconnect...then I am contractually obligated to return the equipment. *I* didn't cancel, they did.
Look for wording like "when service is disconnected" ... I really doubt if they wrote the language to say "if the customer disconnects service the boxes must be returned". There has to be a clause for returning leased boxes when Voom had to disconnect service (which they did for non-payment as well as by popular demand for a large portion of their customers).

Nothing in the contracts about needing to return purchased receivers, of course.

Mods...I think the title of this thread should be changed...
Since no installers have been notified to pick up gear.

Lobstah said:
Mods...I think the title of this thread should be changed...
Since no installers have been notified to pick up gear.

The actual info germane to the thread title is lost on the first page. The installers were notified to return their un installed STB stock. The thread title is accurate.
VOOM Boxes

There is a guy called dssinstallers on E-Bay selling new VOOM boxes and in his description he says if you already have a dish all you have to do is call and get the box activated. He started this auction on the 15th, and if he is an installer I am sure he knows of the current situation with VOOM and is thus making fraudulent claims about the boxes he's trying to sell.
justalurker said:
I don't believe you want FedEx patching holes in your roof / siding / wherever. :D

Nope.. I want a state licensed contractor to do it.

With a set of (poorly written) laws (meant to help poeple from getting screwed by bad work) passed last year in PA they didnt leave a clause that allows home owners to do their own work so.... this means I can't patch my own roof and require someone licensed to do it...
enoree said:
There is a guy called dssinstallers on E-Bay selling new VOOM boxes and in his description he says if you already have a dish all you have to do is call and get the box activated. He started this auction on the 15th, and if he is an installer I am sure he knows of the current situation with VOOM and is thus making fraudulent claims about the boxes he's trying to sell.

yeah i seen them on there to but lets see what he does when he don't have them to send back this week and he has to pay 360.00 for each one he don't return so let just see if he think he doing something big over there on ebay.'

Southern Satellite

I received a call from Southern Satellite offering DirecTV HD receiver for $249 installed. Additionally, current VOOM customers can send a copy of their VOOM bill and receive a $200 refund from DirecTV.

Service from DirecTV - $41.95
HD Service - $10.95
Additional tv - $4.95

No local HD channels (yet) only via OTA (per Southern Satellite)
kcribb1 said:
I received a call from Southern Satellite offering DirecTV HD receiver for $249 installed. Additionally, current VOOM customers can send a copy of their VOOM bill and receive a $200 refund from DirecTV.

Service from DirecTV - $41.95
HD Service - $10.95
Additional tv - $4.95

No local HD channels (yet) only via OTA (per Southern Satellite)

I the only thing i can say is that they are not surpose to be calling any voom customers and offering anything at this point.

kcribb1 said:
Additionally, current VOOM customers can send a copy of their VOOM bill and receive a $200 refund from DirecTV.

I don't care if D* offered me $1000 cash... D* can kiss my ass

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