Installed said it's a no go!!

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i shouldve of taken a pic of the deck patio mount we have in our warehouse. i dont know why that cant be used? it has a faceplate to mount on the deck, and a pole to support the dish. it is awesome mount. i have used these more than having to use a pole mount when a customer says they dont want it on the house... most houses have Decks. i have NOT come across a house that didnt have it. most apts do have them and they have beams to support the decks.. even if you lived on the main floor with no deck. there are supports to support the upper decks above you. i wished i had kept that deck mount.

they are more useful than the pole mount or even putting in a 5 gallon bucket full of cement and using that, it doesnt take much for a high 20 mph wind to blow that over.

You are right about the bucket not being very stable. The available railings to attach it to aren't always all that strong, either. My suggestion of using a pole was in reference to putting them in the ground. For this situation, a sled type mount held down by cement blocks might be best. I don't know if there is room for it, though.
i shouldve of taken a pic of the deck patio mount we have in our warehouse. i dont know why that cant be used? it has a faceplate to mount on the deck, and a pole to support the dish. it is awesome mount. i have used these more than having to use a pole mount when a customer says they dont want it on the house... most houses have Decks. i have NOT come across a house that didnt have it. most apts do have them and they have beams to support the decks.. even if you lived on the main floor with no deck. there are supports to support the upper decks above you. i wished i had kept that deck mount.

they are more useful than the pole mount or even putting in a 5 gallon bucket full of cement and using that, it doesnt take much for a high 20 mph wind to blow that over.

Those are all sound technical reasons why the eq should be OK.

However, the CATV sales guy sleeping with the resident manager has something to do with it sometimes..

Then there is the maintenance turn around pressure. The maintenance guys do not want to screw around with cable. They cut the stuff off at the floor and raise hell if there are any holes to patch before the new tenant moves in.

My fav is, "...these people are on welfare...I don't want a picture of this building on the damn evening news with a story about having money for satellite TV and not food. Let them watch least that way I don't get the TV truck here in the lot!"

You wouldn't believe what an historical society can come up with to explain why those dish things just will not do.

Aside from that, we just spike em to the wall. Let the cartoons and( light) porn roll!

When I lived in an apartment, I had a ka/ku slimline 3 mounted on a tripod, which was 'anchored' with six cement blocks. It sat on my balcony for two years without any issue. Granted, it was definitely a DIY job, but it got wind/snow/rain and I didn't have any problems. It hovered right around 90 for 103c/99c, which was good enough for me!

This is how the installer installed my dish in my apartment.
wow!!! im shocked he even used the original mast and monopoles!

my non pens already come with a tube to mount on the baseplate...

im surprised he didnt crack those cinderblocks drilling those lag bolts into it.

im shocked.
wow!!! im shocked he even used the original mast and monopoles!

my non pens already come with a tube to mount on the baseplate...

Not all of them come with a tube.

im surprised he didnt crack those cinderblocks drilling those lag bolts into it.

im shocked.

Maybe the installer knew what he was doing. It's pretty easy to drill into block if you take your time and do it right. I highly doubt he used lag bolts.
It looks to me like the installer did a great job getting the customer set up in a situation where many would walk away.
Not all of them come with a tube.

Maybe the installer knew what he was doing. It's pretty easy to drill into block if you take your time and do it right. I highly doubt he used lag bolts.
It looks to me like the installer did a great job getting the customer set up in a situation where many would walk away.
Thats what I uses do it when install regular KU dish. I can charge more with the materials and installation fee to cover up the loss time. But if I work with DTV or Dish, mostly will avoid this type of installation and they will not give the installer the loss time if it must to finish the job. Because you have to finish the orders that passed to you for that day.
That install is going nowhere & it's similar to the home-made cement bucket approach we used a few moons ago.......I hope you helped him lug a few of those blocks up the stairs. If the install was cheesier (granted, some people can't get the blinking clock off the DVD player) the customer would be wise to study the three adjustments necessary to realign the dish if something goes wrong. Whatever the reason, it sure is nice to know you have the skills to realign a dish instead of waiting for a service call.


This is how the installer installed my dish in my apartment.
I am reminded of a little old lady who told the town funded cable company to stuff it. Then she discovered the town also had control of the apartment she was living in. By the time I arrived she had been round and round with all authorities.
. . . and that is how we did it boys and girls! We brought the lady's wood picnic table into her first floor apartment living room. Then we spiked the mast to the table and tuned the dish through the clear glass sliding door. The 101 sat just boomed!
The Ka/Ku & SWM stuff is just a little more maintenance. It depends on your priorities.

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I am reminded of a little old lady who told the town funded cable company to stuff it. Then she discovered the town also had control of the apartment she was living in. By the time I arrived she had been round and round with all authorities.
. . . and that is how we did it boys and girls! We brought the lady's wood picnic table into her first floor apartment living room. Then we spiked the mast to the table and tuned the dish through the clear glass sliding door. The 101 sat just boomed!
The Ka/Ku & SWM stuff is just a little more maintenance. It depends on your priorities.


I'm glad that worked, but in many cases there is too much lead in the glass and it attenuates the signal too much. Going through glass is a crap shoot at best.
wow!!! im shocked he even used the original mast and monopoles!

my non pens already come with a tube to mount on the baseplate...

im surprised he didnt crack those cinderblocks drilling those lag bolts into it.

im shocked.
I use the same one in the picture and it does not come w/ a pole. It is cheaper and works just as good. It looks like Lag anchors in the block using standard lag bolts. I have never had a problem with cracking using lag anchors in block. Though most of the time when I use this mount I use self tappers into the sled for monopoles.Eitherway it 's good to see someone get'r'done instead of blowing the customer off.

To the thread starter>>try calling a LOCAL retailer they will be more likely to perform an install like the one in the picture. As most 800# installers will just move on to the next job hoping it's easier.
I guess i dont know what kind of balcony you have but would a rail mount kit work for your scenerio. If your balcony has metal rods instead of stucco or concrete that might be your cup of tea...Most HSP's carry them you just have to ask for it if its not already suggested
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