In order to get the most bang for your buck, get a mast mounted amplifier. But, before you bother with theamplifier, make sure you are using a good antenna with a decent amount of gain. I love the performence of my Channel Master CM-4221. It worked so well, I thought that the CM-4228 could only be better. I was wrong. The HDTV digital channels all worked great , but it was the analog channels I was trying to improve. What I got when I went to the bigger CM-4228, besides more gain, was ghosting. I got the same signal, with or without an amplifier. It might have made a difference of a few percent, but when signal strength is at 87 to 97% anyway, an extra 2% didn't matter.
Get your antenna high enough to clear any obstruction of signal. Turn it until you get your best performence, the ndecide if you need anything better. You can always spend more money. If you buy an amplifer, make sure it is an two part amp, where the amplifer goes directly on the mast, or antenna, and the power is passed to it through the coax from inside the house.
You might also consider getting an amplifier with a built-in FM trap. Strong FM stations can be a problem if you do not block them from your receiver. Joe