Help! Have two 722 receivers currently connected to dish 500. Each 722 is wired using a separator and feedback route to service the SD (2nd tv line). The feed from the satellite to the 722 currently has a (2 way) separator outside with one out going to the 722 receiver and the second to the #2 tv, with the descrambled SD signal feeding back from the 722 through the separator. I want to disconnect the 2nd TV line out from the 722 and use the output end (line coming from the satellite through the separator (outside the house) to connect a 612 receiver in order to have 2 HD outputs, where previously I had one SD and one HD (through the 722 -- The second 722 setup I plan to leave unchanged.) Can this be done simply by connecting up the 612, or do I have to rewire? How do I get this setup? Hope this was clear. Thanks.