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best way for me to cure insomnia is to watch old crazy Dr Gene Scott on free to air. Some of his teachings (he's a pastor) will make anyone fall asleep :)
(until he screams "GIT ON THE TELEPHONE!!")

Dude's been dead for 3 years but he still has a 24/7 FTA channel with him and his widow (who is also a pastor)
I am part of the insomnia club too! Tried everything from natural sleeping aids to dr. subscribed aids. Doctor said I have GAD(general anxiety disorder) and that 19 million people have it. He gave me effeor XR which has helped. Did a lot of research on herbal sleeping aids and a product called Restaid receives high ratings from several independent reviewers. Just got it today. Will let you know how it works.
2nd night on Restaid. Slept better last night and my wife went right to sleep and slept well all night. Jury still out though on me. I will use it again tonight and report tomorrow. I am thinking I need to get some of the prescription junk out of my system before it will work well. Hope that is the case since I did sleep better last night than Sat. night.
6 hours of sleep over the previous two nights and 4 hours today after I left work early, now Im awake but took a pill a bit ago so heres wishin.
Its really bad here, I simply cannot go to sleep at night period!

Around 10pm I'll feel like going to bed, and will be 2AM before I actually do go to bed and maybe 4AM before I finally go to sleep.

I was using Nyquill, then switched to Cough Medicine with Codene and finally I have been taking a generic version of Ambion which has been working very well!

I know sleeping pills are not the solution and really need to see a doctor!
Presumably, you saw a doctor to get the pills?

Short term fix only. Easy for me to say.
I've found the more I do in a day physically, and by physically I mean lifting weights or anything that stresses my body beyond normal daily activity; i.e:walking standing, etc., helps me sleep better and deeper. I only get 6 hrs a night if I'm lucky (2 small kids) and I'm good to go. I think with some people it's a lifestyle thing. Let's face it; we're an out-of-shape/ lazy country compared to past generations.
I've found the more I do in a day physically, and by physically I mean lifting weights or anything that stresses my body beyond normal daily activity; i.e:walking standing, etc., helps me sleep better and deeper. I only get 6 hrs a night if I'm lucky (2 small kids) and I'm good to go. I think with some people it's a lifestyle thing. Let's face it; we're an out-of-shape/ lazy country compared to past generations.

Some of us just can't sleep, no matter what we do.
I used to have a problem with insomnia (tired body,overactive mind). Additionally, I rarely take drugs to alcohol, sleeping pills, and even aspirin. While I cannot comment on your specific problem, I can you how I cured my insomnia. In the late 80s I had a class in "Abnormal Psychology". Hey, it sounded like an easy elective! Anyway, instead of some yahoo spouting useless psycho-babble, the instructor turned out to be noted clinical psychiatrists for the military community. The guy was fantastic. He tought us self-hypnosis which I used to control my breathing, shutdown my appendages and, finally, power down my mind. It worked for me!:)
I dont have to worry about buying it, the next door neighbor does it enough for me to get a contact buzz. Im figuring that its stress related to my current position at work mostly and that I had spent a month working an odd evening midnight shift and my body doesnt want to adjust back. We had a change of supervisors and it hasnt gone over very well as the old supervisor was one who installed a strong sense of moral and positive feelings and the new one does the exact opposite wich is why Im trying for most every position that comes up on the job board.

Let me make it clear that I dont use nor have I ever bought it and I never inhaled.
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I am part of the insomnia club too! Tried everything from natural sleeping aids to dr. subscribed aids. Doctor said I have GAD(general anxiety disorder) and that 19 million people have it. He gave me effeor XR which has helped. Did a lot of research on herbal sleeping aids and a product called Restaid receives high ratings from several independent reviewers. Just got it today. Will let you know how it works.
Sending the Restaid back. Did not work! Has a 30 day moneyback guarantee. Works for some people, but not for me. Trying something else now. Don't want to keep taking prescribed meds.
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