Insignia BD Player at BBuy for $349

And our HD DVD players are doorstops, too ;) Chance you take with being an early adopter.

With the PS3 there is no chance taking. In any case a $349 Insignia labelled BD player isnt going to do anything except collect dust on the store shelves. The masses will grab a PS3 and the video snobs wouldnt be caught dead with that logo in their equipment rack.
With the PS3 there is no chance taking. In any case a $349 Insignia labelled BD player isnt going to do anything except collect dust on the store shelves. The masses will grab a PS3 and the video snobs wouldnt be caught dead with that logo in their equipment rack.

Nothing wrong with that. The PS3 is not for me. Sam was true with the 360. We have no game machines in my house.

My HD-DVD players aren't doorstops, they're still my primary movie player both SD and HD-DVD. :)

As for the PS3/Insignia, yep I'd do a PS3 first for sure, but I wouldn't mind the insignia if it were cheaper and yep, the video snobs wouldn't stand for the brandname anywhere in their house.