cyuhnke said:
Somebody should do a poll on this. I can't imagine too many people want this channel. If I wanted to know how rich people live, I'll start reading the thread about the guys with front projectors.
Amen Brother! If I cant have hdnet then give me cables' cuban killer channels! Guess whats on May 29th on INhd? The superbowl halftime nightgown bowl. If we get inhd on June 1 will will just miss it:(
I have personally written Mark Cuban and asked him about VOOM for HDNET. He gave me the following reply:

> Tvlman: What are the chances that HDNET will be joining VOOM?
> mcuban:Slim to none

That kind of says it!

As far as this quote is concerned.... "We don't like 24p or 720p, We don't think the quality is there." - HDNET"

.....I should also point out that Mark is doing a reality show on ABC that will be broadcast in 720p. So, go figure!
I think they should get All the HD channels including WealthHD, rename the Auction channel to WealthHD. :D
Tvlman said:
I have personally written Mark Cuban and asked him about VOOM for HDNET. He gave me the following reply:

> Tvlman: What are the chances that HDNET will be joining VOOM?
> mcuban:Slim to none

That kind of says it!
Very old news, his other response is "we are happy with our current providers". My reference to cables' cuban killers are to INHD1 and 2. They were created to compete with hdnet hence the name cuban killers.

Tvlman said:
As far as this quote is concerned.... "We don't like 24p or 720p, We don't think the quality is there." - HDNET"

.....I should also point out that Mark is doing a reality show on ABC that will be broadcast in 720p. So, go figure!
for your information it was shot in 1080i on HDcams.(and my Abc affiliate broadcasts in 1080i:D )

from mcuban:

"The Benefactor - All HD, All the time
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]just wanted to let everyone know that I just finished shooting the new reality show The Benefactor, for ABC.

It was shot on HDCam , 1080i. Every single bit of it. Not a single non HD camera to be found except for the crews personal diary Videocamera they needed for an unexpected skydiving trip.

Hidden cameras - HD, car cameras- HD, cameraman hanging out windows - HD, all HD all the time.

The show will premiere either july 11 or in Sept right before Mon Nite Football. Before then we will be running extended promos , network calls it the sizzle reel, on HDNet.

I had a blast doing the show. There were a lot of twists, turns and drama that i never, ever expected. If it translates at all , its going to be good."

sixy said:
I personally would like the WealthHD channel. Are they not saving bandwidth (is it called bandwidth with a satellite?) by converting the Cinema channels to 720p?
its called bandwidth with satellite, cable and OTA or any provider (if there are any).
vurbano said:
Wow. Umm Mark Cuban is largely responsible for the rapid growth of HD.(please I am not sure who was first but without cuban i dont think wed all have Hd sets right now). The owner of HDnet and the Dallas Mavericks. He is "mcuban" over at Avs forum. I think his email is

I assume this is where I bow to your superior knowledge of High Definition. I shan't ask of thee who thou HD Fathers are ah'gain.
tscallions said:
I assume this is where I bow to your superior knowledge of High Definition. I shan't ask of thee who thou HD Fathers are ah'gain.
no genuflect, LMAO (just kidding, sorry if I went overboard)
Marc Cuban, you are costing me $14.99/month by not putting HDNET on VOOM. I love your channels and will pay this to Dish every month for their HDPack until Voom gets it.

I was on the phone with a VOOM CSR the other night (no chuckles from the Peanut Gallery, please) and I thanked her for VOOM adding TNTHD and she said "More is coming soon" but would not elaborate.
More=gay channel

I feel betrayed by Voom; so many rumors about inhd and hdnet. Everyone says Cubes replies to emails, but I've sent 2 in the past 3 months and never had a reply. Just polite request type emails, not rude at all.

I've given up on InHD. Cable only forever probably.
cyuhnke said:
More=gay channel

I feel betrayed by Voom; so many rumors about inhd and hdnet. Everyone says Cubes replies to emails, but I've sent 2 in the past 3 months and never had a reply. Just polite request type emails, not rude at all.

I've given up on InHD. Cable only forever probably.
Don't give up on inHD yet. Think about it. VOOM is accomodating DivineHD on top of Cinema10 rather than adding a new channel which, from a marketing point of view, would be better since they could claim 22 exclusive HD channels. There is a good reason for that: currently VOOM only has capacity for 2 more HD channels. That means that they may be saving those 2 HD channels for something else: inHD :yes
They dumped the NFL HD, I count 3 more to make up 39, unless you count the duplicate barker channel, which I do not.
When Voom started up they claimed to be getting InHD. If they don't have it yet, I wouldn't guess they'll ever get it. I don't think the purpose of InHD is too make money, for right now. It was started by the cable companies to compete with HDNET, and to be a cable exclusive. InHD is the only compelling reason, from a content point of veiw, to ever get a cable HD package. I don't think they're giving it to Voom. I really hope you guys are right, but I just don't think we're getting anything soon, except maybe WealthTV.
I didn't find myself watching InHD all that much when i did have it. And the only stuff I did end up watching was the Concerts. RaveHD has these 24/7. And some of them are the exact same concerts that were airing on InHD. I really don't think that they should be spending money on InHD as much as they should be buying better movies for Cinema10. Oh yeah... and adding the Sci-Fi channel before Stargate's next season.
DarrellP wrote:
> Marc Cuban, you are costing me $14.99/month by not putting HDNET on VOOM. I love your channels and will pay this to Dish every month for their HDPack until Voom gets it. <

According to the Dishnetwork website, their HD Pak (with HDNet, HDNetMovies, TNT-HD, Discovery-HD, and ESPN-HD) is only $9.99/month.

I agree that I too would really like to see HDNet on Voom, even though it seems unlikely to happen. It's the only HiDef that e* has got, that's not available on Voom. :(

- Tim

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