Leaving Spectrum TV service, but keeping Spectrum Internet. We had Dish prior to Spectrum (late 2016 or early 2017) and had essentially the same setup...a Hopper3 and three wired Joeys. I don't remember how Dish was connected, but I need to find out if my cabling arrangement will handle the hookup. The feed from the dish runs to a junction box in the bedroom closet which contains 2 - RG6 cables that run to the entertainment center. Also from this junction box RG6 cables run to each of the other rooms in our house (the Joeys were hooked up with these cables). Only one "entertainment center RG6" is in use at this time and it feeds a primary mesh router, a cable modem, a TiVo and its frequency converter. That leaves the other "enterainment center RG6" to feed the Dish signal to the Hopper. Will I have enough available cables to do this? How does the Hopper connect to the Joeys?
Summertime has arrived with a vengeance in SoCal (Riverside County) with extremely high temps. I really want to get this done soon, but don't want to ask an installer to work in extreme attic temps.
Summertime has arrived with a vengeance in SoCal (Riverside County) with extremely high temps. I really want to get this done soon, but don't want to ask an installer to work in extreme attic temps.