Infinity Ward staff sues Activision for up to $500 million

We should sue Infinity Ward for ruin a great game called Modern Warfare, by releasing a Superhero Arcade version.... :D
Nah. I was pretty sure they were going to screw that game up anyways, so I got what I expected. I know everyone liked making fun of CoD:WaW but to me that was the last "good" CoD game that came out. Also I'm actually psyched for the upcoming Vietnam version, since Treyarch seems to still know how to make decent Single Player games that don't end so quickly you think you got a shareware version of the game.
I'm hoping the IW employees get every last $ coming to them. MW2 made so much money that the developers/programmers should all be set for life.
Nah. I was pretty sure they were going to screw that game up anyways, so I got what I expected. I know everyone liked making fun of CoD:WaW but to me that was the last "good" CoD game that came out. Also I'm actually psyched for the upcoming Vietnam version, since Treyarch seems to still know how to make decent Single Player games that don't end so quickly you think you got a shareware version of the game.

Their single player games are so buggy though, I can't stand playing them. COD3 and WaW were so unplayable for me that I never finished them.
Their single player games are so buggy though, I can't stand playing them. COD3 and WaW were so unplayable for me that I never finished them.
Hmmm... I never had any issues with them (PC and 360 versions respectively.) Treyarch does good when they have a set storyline to go by, unlike Infinity Ward's method of taking hypothetical scenarios and making them more and more ludicrous..
Hmmm... I never had any issues with them (PC and 360 versions respectively.) Treyarch does good when they have a set storyline to go by, unlike Infinity Ward's method of taking hypothetical scenarios and making them more and more ludicrous..

I am not the only one that had problems. I belong to a group of about 300 and several of them had problems too. If you want to join the site is XMG 360 - Index
The IW CoD games have been the best of the series IMO, though I wasn't much of a fan of the unlimited spawning guys in MW2, the Treyarch games just never felt quite as good as the IW ones.

With IW out of the picture, I think we're going to see a Guitar Hero-like milking of this franchise into oblivion.

Sony PSN new TOS

New Call of Duty called Black Ops: single, multi, co-op play

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