Important Clarification

The Spilled Beer comment...

Someone had mentioned earlier there may be some units headed back to E* because of an unfortunate accident in order to recieve a replacement i.e., (211). Then a response came that if that were a ploy to be used, then E* would simply give you another unit of them same make you would that be possible if they're no longer activating those MPEG2 rcvr's?
CPanther95 said:
It makes sense to wait, but not to switch. Switching for free D* MPEG4 upgrades does no good if you can't get anything with it. If anything, at least wait until (if) D* has a better lineup. Although by that time, the cost to upgrade to E*/ MPEG4 is sure to be much more attractive anyway.

I think you are right. I still think we don't know everything yet. When will the 622s be readily available? Will they put VOOM channels back to full rez?
OKAY GUYS, Here is the deal -- you do not have to upgrade your current HD receiver -- you can upgrade a SD receiver if you want. There is nothing in the upgrade statement that says you have to upgrade a HD receiver to get a new MPEG4 HD receiver. In addition, there is nothing that says you can not upgrade a 311 to a 622VIP -- is there?
Basically a lease upgrade/add for a 622 for everyone is $299. They still have never said you have to return anything. And the way Dish in it up has worked is you never have had to, you can use the program to just add receivers, but if you wish to return a receiver they've given a $25 credit
JoeSp said:
OKAY GUYS, Here is the deal -- you do not have to upgrade your current HD receiver -- you can upgrade a SD receiver if you want. There is nothing in the upgrade statement that says you have to upgrade a HD receiver to get a new MPEG4 HD receiver. In addition, there is nothing that says you can not upgrade a 311 to a 622VIP -- is there?

Joe, I think you're missing the point here. At some point in time everyone is going to have to upgrade their rcvr's because everything DN carries will be in MPEG4.

Sure your above statements may be true or not, but what most people are pissed about is the fact in some way, shape or form they are going to have to upgrade...keep in mind this is for current subr's.

That having been said, what pisses people off even more is the fact that if your were one of those early adopters with more than 1 HD STB, then your being left out in the cold with an upgrade only one box at this time deal, or a fork out the cash to upgrade the additional boxes option.
Jimmy J said:
Someone had mentioned earlier there may be some units headed back to E* because of an unfortunate accident in order to recieve a replacement i.e., (211). Then a response came that if that were a ploy to be used, then E* would simply give you another unit of them same make you would that be possible if they're no longer activating those MPEG2 rcvr's?
It's possible because they will not be activating them for NEW HD customers not the current ones.
n0qcu said:
It's possible because they will not be activating them for NEW HD customers not the current ones.

That is what I have been thinking, as well. Basically they will not activate the current HD programming after the end of January. But if you have that programming now, you can keep it for maybe a year longer.
I also think people are reading "not on Feb. 1" as "not until 1 year."

They won't upgrade you under this plan to more than one HD receiver right away, basically because that would please the few customers who want multiple HD receivers YESTERDAY and make everyone else wait.

I have no use for more than one HD receiver on Feb 1. Maybe by next year I will.

The bigger question is, will they be bug free, and will, as a long suffering 6000 customer who's willing to commit to the platinum package for 1 year, will I be able to convince them to either SELL me the 622 for $300 or lease it for the $99 discounted price? I'd gladly give them my crappy 6000 back (on it's 3rd OTA tuner module, and that one's getting loud...).

I'd rather not give them back my 721 if I won't own the 622. I did pay for the 721, afterall.

iKramerica said:
I also think people are reading "not on Feb. 1" as "not until 1 year."
They won't upgrade you under this plan to more than one HD receiver right away, basically because that would please the few customers who want multiple HD receivers YESTERDAY and make everyone else wait.
I have no use for more than one HD receiver on Feb 1. Maybe by next year I will.
The bigger question is, will they be bug free, and will, as a long suffering 6000 customer who's willing to commit to the platinum package for 1 year, will I be able to convince them to either SELL me the 622 for $300 or lease it for the $99 discounted price? I'd gladly give them my crappy 6000 back (on it's 3rd OTA tuner module, and that one's getting loud...).
I'd rather not give them back my 721 if I won't own the 622. I did pay for the 721, afterall.
They will not sell you a 622. You can upgrade your 6000 for $299 (lease) going to the 622. You cannot get the $99 deal because the 6000 is not a DVR (921 or 942).. Gerry
I have one question on the upgrade logistics:

Current have a 510 and 811.

I would like to upgrade the 811 to the 622 and pay the fee of $299.

Can I also use dishin it up to upgrade my 510 to a 625 at the same time?
Lets do the math -- upgrade to a 622 is $299 and a $6 a month dvr fee -- is that right? 12 months times 6 is $72. I already pay a $5 fee for additional receiver that I own. 12 months times $5 is $60. Differance is $12 a year. How many years on the lease plan will I have to use this receiver before buying becomes a good idea? If the 622 is selling for $699 I would have to have this receiver the answer is 33 years!!! I'm leasing -- it is cheaper!!!

This only works for those of us who do not currently own a 921 or a 942 DVR. You guys would have to wait for the $299 upgrade with the $200 Rebate ( Total Cost $99) to get your 622.

Boy, am I glad I waited!! :)
I suspect that within about a year all the HD will be in MPEG-4. Dish is trying now to spread the cost out some by only paying for one upgrade receiver per account right now. Of course then 6 months from now people will be screaming that they went out and paid $$ for more HD receivers (because they had to have all their receivers upgraded at once) when Dish comes out with the next offer to try to get the rest of the people upgraded to MPEG-4.

You have to look at the big picture... Dish can only make so many boxes at once. It is not easy to add 50 factories and pump out a million boxes to satisfy everyone at once. They want every HD customer to get a box to see the new HD and they want to have enough boxes to cover the new customer demand. Once the first round of order fullfillment is complete I would expect them to have a new offer to upgrade again.

From Dish's point of view they want all HD in MPEG-4 ASAP. But, they know how many boxes a month they can manufacture, they know how many customers have boxes that need upgrading and they know about how many new customers to expect. They have to ration it out some.

Just wait until they want to change the standard definition programs over to MPEG-4... That will really cause a riot.
JoeSp said:
Lets do the math -- upgrade to a 622 is $299 and a $6 a month dvr fee -- is that right? 12 months times 6 is $72. I already pay a $5 fee for additional receiver that I own. 12 months times $5 is $60. Differance is $12 a year. How many years on the lease plan will I have to use this receiver before buying becomes a good idea? If the 622 is selling for $699 I would have to have this receiver the answer is 33 years!!! I'm leasing -- it is cheaper!!!...
You're assuming there's no residual value on the 622, and you're keeping it for 33 years. Probably not true, so the break even point will come much sooner.
This doesn't have much to do with inventory. It is a specific plan to minimize E*'s exposure in upgrading subs. They know that by mid-year, D* will be offering upgrades to MPEG4 free of charge to all of their customers - E* knows that ultimately, they will need a similar program. Until then, if they can get volunteers, why not take advantage of it.

If it was inventory related, they wouldn't be dangling such an appealing MPEG4 HD offering out there - it would make more sense to upgrade market by market as HD-LILs were added and there would be a gradual pacing to the upgrade that would better accomodate a ramping up of inventory.
CPanther95 said:
If it was inventory related, they wouldn't be dangling such an appealing MPEG4 HD offering out there - it would make more sense to upgrade market by market as HD-LILs were added and there would be a gradual pacing to the upgrade that would better accomodate a ramping up of inventory.

I suspect that it is easier to sell 25 HD. They want to run the count up for selling new Dish Network accounts. Old customers will be rationed -- where could they go anyways.
CPanther95 said:
This doesn't have much to do with inventory. It is a specific plan to minimize E*'s exposure in upgrading subs. They know that by mid-year, D* will be offering upgrades to MPEG4 free of charge to all of their customers - E* knows that ultimately, they will need a similar program. Until then, if they can get volunteers, why not take advantage of it.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. Since people are in contracted agreements, if DN decides to go all MPEG4 they are going to have to go to a new upgrade path for all of those remaining customers. I'm thinking there will be an even sweeter deal on the horizon.

Why not fund the future deals with money collected from the so-called "early adopters?"
It's not exactly a new anti-consumer approach, It's simply the smart way to handle it. Same reason Intel prices the latest processor at a level that will only be feasible for the top 10%. Once that is skimmed off, they lower it to widen it's appeal and so on - even to the point of sitting on faster processors until the previous models make it down the chain so there is a constant flow of revenue from top to bottom.

This isn't a "bad" deal - it's just the "first" deal. Eventually they will be upgrading everybody, so eventually they will have to have a deal that will upgrade that bottom, apathetic 10%. My only concern would be if participating in an upgrade now would prevent me from participating in the next deal down the road. It could be a scenario where those that wait 6 - 9 months will actually be able to upgrade 2 receivers before the early adopters can upgrade their 2nd.
I might be willing to pay to upgrade one of my 6000's to the 622 just to get rid of the noise.

Anyone have any idea which satellites will be used for the new HD stations and the HD locals (Detroit)? My situation is that I can only receive 61.5 and 110 because of trees, so I only have the HD package and VOOM with locals to get CBS. I don't take any of their SD packages because most of that content has been on 119 which basically is only available to me during part of the winter.

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