IMG 1.9 Release

it arrived in SoCal Wednesday morning. So much better. the guide & color scheme are now full screen in HD & you can now eliminate channels you're not subscribed to (without doing a separate favorites guide). i only have non-dvr HD receivers so i cant comment on the DVR side of things but totally impressed.
Release 1.9 and the Whole House DVR

Finally came to Philly the other day. Very nice upgrade! The guide is cleaner and easy to use. And searches are easier and you can save your favorite searches. The DVR interface is vastly improved. Deleted videos are now recoverable. And with whole house DVR you can "tell" the DVR to record from any device in your home. And best of all, the DVR is expandable by adding an external eSATA drive. I added a 1TB WD drive and am very happy! And unlike TiVo, it doesn't treat the DVR drive and external drive as one drive (that is, on TivO, if you lose the external drive, you can lose all of your recordings). Whereas on the Verizon DVR, the external drive is independent of the DVR - the DVR records first on the external drive and only starts recording again on the DVR after it runs out of space on the external drive. I highly recommend an upgrade to the whole house DVR.
Coming from DirecTV and Dish respectively I am really liking the new software, doesn't seem so primitive. I notice when in the Guide if I hit the skip button the screen moves ahead 3 hours (it used to jump 24) and if I hit the Ffwd button it jumps 24 hours, liking the change, with Dish I could enter a number and then hit the right arrow and it would jump ahead that many hours.

The only thing that is getting old is every single time I turn on the 7232 it asks what kind of TV I have to set the guide. Can't figure out how to make it stop. I have 3 other 7100s and they never asked. All are hooked up HDMI.
Super Dave -

My 7232 only asked me when had to restart it to install the external drive. I shut it off just now and turned it back and it didn't pester me for the TV size. Maybe call Verizon support for help. One other cool feature of the DVR is the chapter feature (sort of like the auto chapters on DVD recorders). As I said this is the most impressive upgrade on a cable company DVR I have ever seen. But you are right about TivO, some of its features are still more friendly than the Verizon DVR. The main problem I have with TivO is that you can't get cable company or premium channel on-demand features because it lacks two way communication. I doubt that Tivo will ever get that so my Series 3 is relegated to the rec room.
I am really liking FIOS more than Dish now. Having such a large VOD library is nice, since we don't have any ethernet connections in the family room I never tried Dish's. I also notice that if I have the 2 tuners active I can watch something recorded and NOT wipe out a buffer on either tuner like I did when we had Dish, nice. Whole house DVR is awesome and it keeps the price down.
We all love FIOS. We have had 1.9 since the original roll out. We never had any issues with it so we were glad we got it before they stopped the roll out for a while. We got a TIVO but none of us liked it so we disconnected it. We have finally hit the one year mark and I can get rid of it. We were with dish for 13 years before Verizon. I'm not sure if that made a difference in not liking it. We are super satisfied with FIOS.
The coming soon banner is now gone from the LI area menu screens. Looks like NY area is being skipped in favor of Northern Virginia. No mention of if/when NY/NE will receive the update
Apple can release an update to millions and millions of people to download in a day. This IMG 1.9 has been dragging on for 8-9 months already. Come on Verizon get off your ass and just put the guide out for all. You've beta tested it to death, it works. Let everyone have it already.
DC, MD and VA all received 1.9 Wednesday morning. That leaves only DAC 5 which inludes those served from NYC, Mass, and RI.
Ok, 01-2012

Still nothing in Mass for 1.9. I called and their CSR Dweeb says 'You know, these rollouts take a long time'. I used the Apple/MS argument that they do updates all at once. His answer 'Well, we aren't Apple', I agreed, sighed and hung up.
Got an email yesterday saying my box would reset and I would have it (NYC Area)....nothing as of 2am last night. We'll see what happens when I get home tonight.
Based on how the notices went out last time, it will be Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Of course this is the third time they got this far for NY,RI, and MA. Hopefully nothing new delays it again.
noticed the DVR channels changing and no one touching the remote. I turned on my TV and it asked for display type( SD HD). I now have IMG 1.9 in LI
1.9 rolled out this morning to the remaining areas in NY, RI, and Ma. All Verizon FIOS areas now have it.

Dish TV and SureWest TV on same cable

Time to get your HBO Go, MAX Go on!

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