I'd like to join, but I love the onscreen caller-ID.
Its real easy to get the caller ID info and still prevent the receiver from calling out.
I'd like to join, but I love the onscreen caller-ID.
Its real easy to get the caller ID info and still prevent the receiver from calling out.
See ya...Well as soon as my D** Dish Contract is up I'm gone:rant:
Meaning up $12.00? I take it you never have had any kind of insurance. You've never heated your home or used electricity. You don't drive so you've never had to gas up a car. That's what it sounds like.Can ANYONE report a fee or even cost of anything going from 5 bucks to 17 bucks?
Meaning up $12.00? I take it you never have had any kind of insurance. You've never heated your home or used electricity. You don't drive so you've never had to gas up a car. That's what it sounds like.
I know everyone here hates price increases and so do I. However, if you don't want to spend over a certain budget each month adjust you buying accordingly.
I suggest you categorize your sat TV budget in two columns. Wants, and needs. No doubt many of you all who are complaining about the increase have what I would consider an excess number of DVR's on the want side of the list rather than the need side. Lets assume you have the OP DVR count of 6 DVR's. If those DVR's are 722K's that represents 24 maximum tuners, or 12 TV1 / TV2 combinations for up to 12 different viewers at a time. Does your household really have that many viewers?
Let me use my home as an example- I am looking to reduce viewing costs too.
I have three active viewing stations in the home and have 3 viewers. I have 2 DVR's. One DVR is located in the Home theater and we often watch this in the evening while recording another channel. Thus it's on mode one and no TV2. The KItchen is watched by my wife who uses the DVR for recording her favorite shows but we also have TV2 on that connected to my father's room who watches all day and evening using TV2. He doesn't "NEED" HDTV. Now if I had a 4th person who couldn't watch the other locations, I would not add a 3rd DVR but would suffer the loss of the TV2 on the Home theater DVR and would not "NEED" to add another DVR cost. TV2 would have to do. But I will get a small price increase even with these two DVR's so I have made my choice and have cut back on programming expense side for a channel that I really didn't watch very much anyway. It was a want rather than a need. In my case I still have room to trim the account on the want / need programming side. I have AEP and in effect I am paying for too many movie channels I hardly watch. So, I still have room to trim the want / need budget here and reduce my monthly expense for TV even more.
In the past when income was higher, I was justifying the WANT side by having both DirecTV and Dish Network as well as Comcast. First to go was Comcast as rates went up. Haven't missed it. Next was DirecTV. Haven't missed that either. I discovered that the on;y purpose I was getting from DirecTV was to verify reports from those who were claiming DirecTV was better PQ but found most of those troll claims were all just bull sh!t since I had both. After dropping DirecTV I can no longer do that comparison but That little experiment was very costly as I didn't need all those duplicated channels for entertainment.
So, in reading this and the many other belly aching threads on the price increases, I see a common theme and that is many of you have too many wants, i,e, luxuries in your viewing column and could really stand to re-engineer your DVR count and more closely balance your want / need requirements. You just might be surprised if you look at it and make adjustments, you might discover you don't really miss the gluttony of hardware you have once it's gone.
Where did I say I don't have a problem with the fees?? Who in their right mind wants to pay more??Two comments; first, unplugging the reciever will have very little impact (if any at all) on sending a message. What will send a clear message is if subscribers remove receivers from their accounts or downgrade programming. That is an immediate impact to E*'s bottom line. Having failed that however point two, maybe fellow poster Kramer will become very charitable to pick up everyones monthly increases as he has demonstrated in many different current topics on the pricing issue that he has no problem with the new fees.
Just FYI, come Feb I believe most packages will include locals, so you might want to re-think or hold off getting an antenna.I have been thinking about putting up an atennea to view locals, if I receive as a good a picture as I am told i will then I can drop the $5.99/month that plus dropping the premium will save close to $20.00 a month, at current prices. Of course it will take aboiut 18 months to break even on the antennea install but it would be worth it in the end....
Thanks for your excellent response!
I clicked next to see this page and got this, which I never saw before. Perhaps E is trying to jam us
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anyone know what this is