I'm extremely happy!

toto said:
I own my 811, but will be very happy to upgrade to a leased 211. I have one question. I've installed a Dish 1000. Is the upgrade cost 811 to 211 still $49?
I would like to know this also. I too am happy to get rid of my 811 for newer hopefully better technology. I don't have a Dish 1000 installed but I am hooked up to a old dish that I don't want touched. Is it possible just to have them bring in the receiver and hook it up without getting the new install? I only sub to the Hd pack and VOOM....I don't need another dish on my roof right now. Am I correct in saying it will be $49 bucks no matter if you take the new dish or not?
How about those of us in the northeast who can't benefit from a Dish 1000? I just got a DPP 500 and DP for 61.5, and I think that's all I need for a while.

Also, since I own my 811 and have never done a lease, what are the monthly charges?
I have a bad taste about having to pay anything for the new equipment.

I subscribe to the digital home plan with Americas Everything pack and HD w/voom.

When I became a subscriber, Dish provided an 811 and the dish. I lease the Dish equipment from Dish Network. I will choose to subscribe to one of the new programming packages that provides the "new" HD channels, thus it is the responsibility of Dish network and not my pocketbook to fund the new equipment required to receive the channels that I subscribe to. That's my take on the issue.

I own 3 811's....I seriously doubt they are going to let me lease 3 211's for $49.

I was not impressed with the Charlie Chat.
bloomingtong said:
I have a bad taste about having to pay anything for the new equipment.
I subscribe to the digital home plan with Americas Everything pack and HD w/voom.
When I became a subscriber, Dish provided an 811 and the dish. I lease the Dish equipment from Dish Network. I will choose to subscribe to one of the new programming packages that provides the "new" HD channels, thus it is the responsibility of Dish network and not my pocketbook to fund the new equipment required to receive the channels that I subscribe to. That's my take on the issue.

The offer is more than fair. Don't like it, find a better one with someone else. Being a customer doesn't entitle you to fee equipment. :rolleyes:

Not to everyone it is a good deal

NightRyder said:
The offer is more than fair. Don't like it, find a better one with someone else. Being a customer doesn't entitle you to fee equipment. :rolleyes:
In fact it is becoming a pain whenever dish does these upgrades. For those who bought the 921 at a 1000 bucks it was a disaster. What dish is doing is penalizing those that bought receivers

They don't have any special rules with comcast, everyone can lease their receivers without putting a down payment with the privledge to lease it

I have two 811 which I own and 1 942 which I lease. I hate to tell you how much money I have thrown into buying receivers under dish through the years. I am getting tired of it.

I already put down 300 bucks for the privledge of leasing a 942, and now they want another 300 bucks for a 622 lease unless I wait until April, and then it will be 100 bucks. As far as the 811s from what I understand they want my 2 811s, plus 100 dollars for the privledge to lease two 211s

I am not anxious to jump on this band wagon right now. There is a lot of technology that will be coming out in the next two years, especially with TV over IP.

AT&T and SBC will be going big time into it along with others. I will wait and see what the competition offers.
You Dont Half To Lease! I Spoke With Dish CSR during Charlie Chat and they sad if you have a loacal reseller that would be willing to swap out. If so I could swap out my 811 for 211 with my local reseller and not do a lease. As long as the local reseller was willing to do that. :)
bloomingtong said:
I have a bad taste about having to pay anything for the new equipment.
I subscribe to the digital home plan with Americas Everything pack and HD w/voom.
When I became a subscriber, Dish provided an 811 and the dish. I lease the Dish equipment from Dish Network. I will choose to subscribe to one of the new programming packages that provides the "new" HD channels, thus it is the responsibility of Dish network and not my pocketbook to fund the new equipment required to receive the channels that I subscribe to. That's my take on the issue.
Let's assume someone is leasing a car. Next year a new model comes out with built in XM receiver. So will you go to a dealer and demand to replace your car or install a new XM receiver?
Then Dish said that your current eq. will work, you will continue to receive the channels you subscribed. There is nothing wrong here. The deal is very fair to those of us who are leasing Dish receivers.
As for owners, I think they should offered a lease deal like for new customers and keep old 942, 921, 811 or 6000 or replace it like other lease customers. But it is not clear yet what Dish is planning here.
NightRyder said:
The offer is more than fair. Don't like it, find a better one with someone else. Being a customer doesn't entitle you to fee equipment. :rolleyes:

The offer is more than fair. Don't like it, find a better one with someone else. Being a customer doesn't entitle you to fee equipment.


Sorry NightRyder... I don't follow that logic.

Dish Network provides service for a fee. As a result, the company that provides the service for the fee is responsible for furnishing the equipment necessary (in my case due to an ongoing lease agreement for said equipment to obtain service is included). When I pay the company for services (monthly programming package fees and equipment lease costs), it is the obligation of that company to provide the equipment required to obtain all services I pay for. In this case, the necessary dish and receivers to receive programming that I subscribe to and pay for are the obligation of Dishnetwork to provide at their cost due to the fee for service/lease agreement/program/contract I pay for.

However, I do see justification concerning the upgrade costs for customer owned equipment, as Dish Network does not capture ongoing monthly fees for that equipment.

bloomingtong said:
Sorry NightRyder... I don't follow that logic.
Dish Network provides service for a fee. As a result, the company that provides the service for the fee is responsible for furnishing the equipment necessary (in my case due to an ongoing lease agreement for said equipment to obtain service is included). When I pay the company for services (monthly programming package fees and equipment lease costs), it is the obligation of that company to provide the equipment required to obtain all services I pay for. In this case, the necessary dish and receivers to receive programming that I subscribe to and pay for are the obligation of Dishnetwork to provide at their cost due to the fee for service/lease agreement/program/contract I pay for.
However, I do see justification concerning the upgrade costs for customer owned equipment, as Dish Network does not capture ongoing monthly fees for that equipment.

Your view is unrealistic. Please post the section from your lease agreement with Dish that supports your perceived entitlement to receive new equipment at no charge for future optional programming.

I too don't see what is wrong with the deal, I think it makes sense to me.

If you purchased your 942 reciever ($700 or so), you have every right to go to a reseller and purchase a new 622 reciever (for who knows how much, probably $1000)

If you lease your 942, which you paid $250 for the right to lease, dish will swap it out for a 622 for a $99 fee (in April).

What is unfair about this? Nothing.

You purchased a product, you own it. If you want a new one, you can buy that too....OR enter a lease agreement for $299...Again, what is the issue? They are giving you options.

I do feel that it was uncool of Dish to not offer the 942 to existing subs for lease (although I did get it, I was one of the lucky ones) but they are trying to recitify that big PR disaster with this new rollout, by allowing the 622 to be leased by existing customers without jumping through e-mail hoops.

I think they are doing the best they can.

I have a 40GB Photo iPod....I PURCHASED it....do you think apple would allow me to get the 60GB Video iPod for $99....NOT A CHANCE.

Why is this any different than purchasing any other product?

You can't have everything for free. Companies would quickly go bankrupt. Truley, they do not HAVE to swap out anything, because the services your recievers get today, will continue to do so. Until they no longer offer services for old receivers, they do not HAVE to offer ANY deals....I think they are doing the right thing.

As for those who own...that is the chance you take. Sony didn't swap my Betamax for VHS, and they didn't swap my VHS for a DVD Player...

There are many other companies offering good deals on TV services...that is the beauty of choice.

Since I enjoy the channel lineup on Dish, I will stay with them.

Same deal with the HD-Lite....As of right now, I can not get the same choices anywhere else, and I actually enjoy the Voom content...so no reason to jump ship.

Now, that does not mean that I have to ACCEPT inferior quality, and they have gotten my complaints, but in the end I will give them a chance.

This shouting of doom from the rooftops everytime Charlie farts is getting old.
MiniTransAm said:
Bravo to Dish Network!
$49 bucks to upgrade from an 811 to a 211. And you get installation and a new dish on top of that. Good job Dish for taking care of your customers.

I agree whole heartedly....Unfortunately I have not read what the Upgrade means as far as additional commitment...
I reallly don't want to commit to another year...
From what I've seen...of actual programming on those channels ESPN2,UHD and VOOM (15 more channels of "nothing on"), looks pretty "Weak"....Even during the football season....but oh well it's in HD!!!!!

I didn't get the VOOM install(in Sept) because they wanted $100 ....and the content was not worth the $$$...
now I'll get Voom,UHD,ESPN2 for a $50 install.....if i want....I doubt I do...But nice option later....

my .02

Again, I think it is a very fair deal.
But, just read NBC press release about Olympics coverage on Universal HD. And I really want it. So if Dish will allow to upgrade 942 now with rebate in April I will be more than happy. Another option will be to allow upgrade 811 now and 942 in April with rebate.
Something should be clarified here by Dish.
As a retailer I could offer people a trade in of their used receiver towards a new one if they wanted to own it but I am sure within the next month the price of these MPEG-2 HD receivers will drop over a cliff. Some of the prices on these have already dropped quite a bit. There would not be much credit that could be given for those receivers through a retailer at this point.

Lets say you bought a computer last year then the company offered to give you a new one this year that had an additional functionality. You have to return it when your done with it and have to pay an upgrade fee. Would you do it? The thing when comparing the computer with the satellite receiver is that you have to actually pay a monthly fee for the receiver, and the computer you wouldnt, so that makes the satellite deal sound worse since they are actually making money off of it.

Another way of looking at it is this way. Instead of having to actually purchase the receiver you can trade yours in and lease the next one for a smaller fee. If something goes wrong with it, they will replace it. It wouldn't be such a bad deal if they did not require the customer to send back their old unit that they have so much money in. The customer should be able to sell it and be able to get enough out of the used MPEG-2 receiver to pay for the lease upgrade fee and perhaps come out ahead a little to make up for a small amount of the original purchase cost. Dish should offer the lease offers for those that do not already have an MPEG-2 receiver to trade in and those that are trading it in should have the ugprade fee waived.

All Dish Network is having to do is upgrade the chip to MPEG-4 and the hard drive upgraded as well (or resell it themselves).
grityyz said:
I too don't see what is wrong with the deal, I think it makes sense to me.
If you purchased your 942 reciever ($700 or so), you have every right to go to a reseller and purchase a new 622 reciever (for who knows how much, probably $1000)
If you lease your 942, which you paid $250 for the right to lease, dish will swap it out for a 622 for a $99 fee (in April).
What is unfair about this? Nothing.
You purchased a product, you own it. If you want a new one, you can buy that too....OR enter a lease agreement for $299...Again, what is the issue? They are giving you options.
Bottom line is that if you buy a HD receiver for a large sum of money...you expect that it will work for the foreseeable future. 700 bucks is alot for me...maybe it isn't for some people....who can easily brush it off and say...just to buy another one if you want. The lease deals aren't unfair...it's the idea that a person invested money into a receiver and now they won't own anything if they go to a lease option. Dish is pushing people to lease because not many people will be able to afford the cash to swap and buy. If you guys don't see what is unfair about this then we will have to agree to disagree. But, I'm sure people who bought a Dish receiver didn't think they would have a doorstop on their hands. And then have to pay $299 to keep the service and not even own it at that price. It's very unfair for the people that own equipment.
Your reciever, that you paid $700 for (and yes...that is a lot of money), works exactly as advertized, and will for the forseeable future. Only NEW HD content is required to have the new receiver.

You are going to get everything you can still get today.

Again, I go back to my iPod example. My iPod cannot play videos. It can still view color photos, it can still play music, so it is still the advertised product I purchased.

You purchased an MPEG2 Compatible HD receiver. How has that changed with the latest announcement?

Now if Dish was turning off all of it's MPEG2 February first, I could see where you would get upset, but even then, they are not required to replace anything they don't own. You own it, it is your responsibilty.

Has it been confirmed that Dish would TAKE your owned reciever to allow you to lease? I would think that you could lease for $299 and keep your currently OWNED 942....

You would not however be eligble for the swap rebate of $200 on April 1, because you are not swapping...but ADDING a 622 under lease.
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Minsk1 said:
everybody had info about Mpeg4 and that 942 will not be upgraded to Mpeg4. So people just took a risk.

I totally disagree. I have a co-worker who just signed up with Dish right before Christmas. He told them he wanted the latest greatest HD DVRs. They said the 942 was it and only available for purchase (not lease) at this time. He paid $1400 for 2 942's. Dish told him they were the latest technology and would give him access to any HD programming they would ever offer. They did not tell him that Mpeg4 was coming. He was not warned like you said people have been. And he is pissed that I told him this morning he has to pay another $200 to replace them already to get any added HD. Fair? And he would not own anything for his $1600 after all. Fair?

He called today and the Dish CSRs are still claiming his new receivers will work for any new programming they will offer. So I'm sure more people are still signing up or buying new receivers for their existing accounts not knowing anything about it.

The general public who does not read these boards are signing up under false information coming from Dish CSRs. Yeah life is not fair, but I can't believe you feel this is right...

I think at the very least Dish should swap anyone that paid full price for a receiver in the last 3-6 months for free. 12 months would be even better.
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DJ Rob said:
I totally disagree. I have a co-worker who just signed up with Dish right before Christmas. He told them he wanted the latest greatest HD DVRs. They said the 942 was it and only available for purchase (not lease) at this time. He paid $1400 for 2 942's. Dish told him they were the latest technology and would give him access to any HD programming they would ever offer. They did not tell him that Mpeg4 was coming. He was not warned like you said people have been. And he is pissed that I told him this morning he has to pay another $200 to replace them already to get any added HD. Fair?

Now that I would agree is unfair, obviously they have CSRs giving false information.

I had a friend sign up for dish right before christmas as well, was able to lease a 942, and was not upset at all at last nights announcement. He too does not read the boards or anything

Not knowing the conversation between your friend and the CSR, I would think that Dish would have to take this on a case by case basis, review any phone recordings (if they exist) and work out something with your friend.

I still don't think a free swap across the board for every 942 in the past year is the way to go either...would I love it??? OF COURSE, but no business can run that way.
grityyz said:
I still don't think a free swap across the board for every 942 in the past year is the way to go either...would I love it??? OF COURSE, but no business can run that way.
I agree....no business is in business to give things away. But take Sony for example...or Microsoft with the new XBOX. Both companies do take a loss on sale of their game system. But they know the more game systems they have out there...the more they will make over the long run. Dish and Directv should operate the same way. The more HD receivers out there, the more they will make in the long run. So, lower the price of the lease. People paid big cash to be able to get ALL of the available HD. Not some of it. I understand what you are saying about the IPOD....but that isn't a pay service. You still could put music on your IPOD and enjoy. But if you keep your receiver active without leasing the customer is missing out on alot of new HD. I just feel that it is a way of forcing their loyal customer base that spent big bucks into spending more .... and the customer doesn't own anything. Even if you go and try and sell your outdated HD receiver ...you won't get much for it. But....I do feel they have come up with a good deal for the HD receiver lease program for the owners of the 811.
DJ Rob said:
I totally disagree. I have a co-worker who just signed up with Dish right before Christmas. He told them he wanted the latest greatest HD DVRs. They said the 942 was it and only available for purchase (not lease) at this time. He paid $1400 for 2 942's. Dish told him they were the latest technology and would give him access to any HD programming they would ever offer. They did not tell him that Mpeg4 was coming. He was not warned like you said people have been. And he is pissed that I told him this morning he has to pay another $200 to replace them already to get any added HD. Fair? And he would not own anything for his $1600 after all. Fair?
He called today and the Dish CSRs are still claiming his new receivers will work for any new programming they will offer. So I'm sure more people are still signing up or buying new receivers for their existing accounts not knowing anything about it.
The general public who does not read these boards are signing up under false information coming from Dish CSRs. Yeah life is not fair, but I can't believe you feel this is right...
I think at the very least Dish should swap anyone that paid full price for a receiver in the last 3-6 months for free. 12 months would be even better.

DJRob, I agree with you 100% in that case if it happened the way you describe it. And in that situation if your friend have some proof or maybe Dish will be very kind (but I doubt it) hopefully they resolve this situation.
So there is no need to put my words like I am 100% backing Dish on that. No if Dish CSR fooled customer to a bad deal, than Dish shoud correct the problem. I was talking about people knowing the limitations of 942.
In that situation it will be fair for them to be offered lease option of 622 ($299) while keeping 942/921. Or they can take a rebate deal by returning old receiver.

New Subscription which HD box?

Not receiving Dish bill - Due to paying online?

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