Illegal Forward Pass Call in SD-OAK Game


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 28, 2005
I'm a little confused because I haven't seen anyone else mention this on any of the news or blog sites, so here goes...

What confuses me about the “illegal forward pass” play is that even if the call was right, it seems that the penalty wasn’t. According to the NFL’s own web site at, a forward pass thrown from beyond the line of scrimmage results in a five yard penalty AND a loss of down. Even the AP articles focusing on the fact that the “right call” was made have seemed to miss this point. Since the play was still going on, the original line of scrimmage was still in effect. I’m not even a Raiders fan, but I couldn’t believe this.

Have I missed something? Since this was a 4th down play, shouldn't a loss of down turned the ball over?
But the play resulted in a first down. The illegal pass then was the first down play.

Besides, it's payback for the "holy roller" play that the Raiders intentionally pulled on the Chargers many years ago. :D
My wife and I are still trying to figure out how my HS alma mater had a call of Delay of Game on the defense called against them at a game this year.
That reminds me of a play call that was made in the Packers-Vikings game a few weeks ago. The Vikings were receiving a punt at their own 5 yard line. The guy muffs the punt and gets hit causing the ball to roll into the endzone and out the back. According to section D it is considered a safety for the Packers. The way it was called was a touchback for the Vikings and they got the ball at their own 20. I knew it was the wrong call even before I checked the rules, but maybe the refs need to keep up on their rules a little better.
My wife and I are still trying to figure out how my HS alma mater had a call of Delay of Game on the defense called against them at a game this year.

Example: Lineman sits on QB to keep the clock running, but preventing the next play starting. I don't think it's technically called "delay of game" in the pros, but a HS ref could easily sneak it in as that...
FavreJL04, I believe the rule is a muff can't be advanced but a fumble can be. Therefore a muff into or thru the end zone is a touchback. A fumble recovered in the end zone is a touchdown and thru the end zone is a safety. They must have ruled that the punt was muffed.

Neutron, hancox is correct. It just happened at the end of one of the pro games yesterday. The game was almost over and the safety wouldn't let the running back on the losing team get up after the tackle. The ref called a penalty and stopped the clock. The losing team scored and won the game. The safety got chewed out.

Check out this wierd play that happened to me a long time ago. We were ahead by 1 point. Time ran out on this last play. I intercepted a pass in the end zone. Before I could down the ball or get out of the end zone I was tackled. They called it a safety and we lost the game. I argued that it should be a touchback. I lost the argument.

I have only seen this happen once since then as they usually try to run it back for a touchdown or sometimes down the ball. It is a touchback unless I run across the goal line to the 1 yard line and then back into the other teams end zone and then get tackled. I was bitter about that loss that my team blamed on me for a long time. On fourth down and a long pass or the end of the game the defender should knock the ball down, not intercept it like they always try to do.

I haven't watched the raider game yet. I'll watch for that play. I read that in that same game a charger caught a pass for a first down on fourth and 2. He then got up and spun the ball like a top. The raiders then picked the ball up as a fumble. It almost cost the chargers the game.
The refs appear to be idiots this year. They blew a few calls in the Packers-Seahawks game tonight. They may have cost the Packers the game. The Seahawks scored two touchdowns because of bogus 3rd down calls.
There was a really bogus pass interference call in the Bears game too. That advanced the ball for the Bears about 50 yards. It was the 1st of two interference calls. The second one may have been legit. But the first one was absurd! And there was a blatant non interferece call that the refs didnt call against the Bears. The bears DB was clearly not looking back and face guarding the reciever. It all smelled really fishy to me. That game shouldnt have been as close as the score was. The officials almost single handedly won the game for the bears giving them 2 - 50 yard pass interference plays and robbing the Pats of one.
The refs appear to be idiots this year. They blew a few calls in the Packers-Seahawks game tonight. They may have cost the Packers the game. The Seahawks scored two touchdowns because of bogus 3rd down calls.

roughing the passer call by Umpire Tony Corrente was absoulute horse Sh*t. HE should be fined .
Obviously the referees can't make a call to save their life. I propose a move where penalties can be challenged just like regular plays can. The whole "Judgement Call" thing is just a screen to hide behind when the referees are not accountable for their bad calls.
Obviously the referees can't make a call to save their life. I propose a move where penalties can be challenged just like regular plays can. The whole "Judgement Call" thing is just a screen to hide behind when the referees are not accountable for their bad calls.

This is the results of having 'regular folks' being suppose to having folks that do NOTHING BUT REFEREES.

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