Ok, I got some new pics. It's now Friday, 6 days after I planted and cemented the pole 4ft deep with 960lbs of cement. Pole is now repainted, and I have a yellow-colored string line strung up from the pole pointing a bearing to where my 'True South' is at this house. I installed the SAMI offset polar mount on the top of the pole, and it's leveled, and the initial modified elevation and declination settings are done.
That WALL of maple trees behind my garage, is my WEST property line border. The 3ABN dish you can see on the garage eve mount, is aimed at 30°W Hispasat, which is at 16.6° elevation at my location. The closest maple tree to the West, is about 150ft~ away from the pole, and they are tall trees. From the pole, to a bearing of about the middle of the garage roof, is where
129°W satellite is. I don't think I can get this, as the trees are just a bit too tall right there, and I can't get further back without being off my 1/2acre lot. Though I could for sure get to
121°W (because of a "notch" between two trees) with the KU dish at this same pole site, well different pole that was only a 3" with a chainlink fence corner post pipe out of the top to take the DG-380 HH motor, but right here in the same hole just 1 foot shorter.
Incidentally, those OTA tv antennas you can see on the mast pipe above the eves of the garage, the top one is a high vhf antenna pointed directly at my local channel 12, and it goes unamplified into a UVSJ joiner. The next one down is a uhf yagi antenna on a Dish 500 J pole mounted to the mast pipe with muffler clamps to get to the left of the pine tree that's also the tree that the 30W dish is pointing towards. 30W sat is about 10° to the left of where RF46 channel tower is. That's pointed at a single local station that's at RF46, and hard to get. I'm using a Join-tenna device cut for this channel. The "all-channel" input on the Join-tenna, goes to the other UHF yagi you can see, that's pointed "in-between" my local towers, and gets everything BUT channel 46. The output of the Join-tenna, goes to a Kitztech KT-200-Coax preamp and then into the uhf input of the UVSJ. I have another Join-tenna cut to another frequency sitting in a box getting ready to swap out the other one, as the present channel 46 will be changing frequencies next year due to the latest spectrum sale.