If you have a Grandfathered Package....Please Read

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Staff member
Apr 3, 2005
Central Michigan
We've received an update from DirecTV regarding grandfathered packages:

With the design of the new website they made the decision to no longer allow custmers to maintain grandfathered packages and perform any programming/service changes.

Essentailly, if you add/remove a service or premium, you will have to change to a current package.

Before the change, you could add HBO or another service and maintain your existing grandfathered package. Now adding a service will require the customer to select a new base package.

This was done to improve customer service (CSRs often aren't well educated on the grandfathered packages) and reduce the time/cost of maintaining these packages.


Changes made via phone with CSRs will allow you to keep your package. D* has confirmed this for the time being:
Just to confirm what your users have experienced, grandfathered customers can continue to make adjustments over the phone for now.
If that were to change, there will be early communications of that shift.
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My base package Price increased without my changing my package,From $69.99 to $72.99. But I knew that was coming. But I think its a good idea ,Let everyone pay what I have to pay. I haven't had a Total choice package in over a year.
They all went up $3, including the grandfathered packages. (Except premier which went up $5).

The only difference was total choice let people keep a dozen channels that they moved the the $5 higher xtra package when they made choice - and they left total choice $2 cheaper or so.

Everyone gets to pay the annual price increase.
and they left total choice $2 cheaper or so.
1 million customers paying $2 less is 2 million dollars! And an extra 2 million a month might have made our annual increase only $1 instead of $3 and just because someone chooses not to ever upgrade their package ,doesn't mean I should have to pay more then them ,because I choose to upgrade from time to time. Everyone should pay the same!
just because someone chooses not to ever upgrade their package ,doesn't mean I should have to pay more then them ,because I choose to upgrade from time to time. Everyone should pay the same!
I'm being the devil's advocate and not argumentative, but what if I'm perfectly happy with my package, and have no interest in "upgrading"? If I'm perfectly happy with the channels I receive, why would I want to "upgrade"? The average customer doesn't read the forums or visit the D* website, so probably doesn't even know if their plan is no longer available. They get the channels they want, so they pay their bill and watch their TV.

That being said, I'd fully understand if they automatically migrated all customers from older plans. In this case, they're at least letting customers stay unless there are other changes made. I'm guessing the turnover for CS reps has to be fairly high, so it has to make supporting customers difficult when so many probably have plans that may not have even existed any more when a particular CS rep started their job. Plus I'd guess it has to add billing and programming challenges as well.

So I'm perfectly happy with my existing plan, but I would scream if I was forced to a plan that was a couple dollars more.
I'm being the devil's advocate and not argumentative, but what if I'm perfectly happy with my package, and have no interest in "upgrading"? If I'm perfectly happy with the channels I receive, why would I want to "upgrade"? The average customer doesn't read the forums or visit the D* website, so probably doesn't even know if their plan is no longer available. They get the channels they want, so they pay their bill and watch their TV.

That being said, I'd fully understand if they automatically migrated all customers from older plans. In this case, they're at least letting customers stay unless there are other changes made. I'm guessing the turnover for CS reps has to be fairly high, so it has to make supporting customers difficult when so many probably have plans that may not have even existed any more when a particular CS rep started their job. Plus I'd guess it has to add billing and programming challenges as well.

So I'm perfectly happy with my existing plan, but I would scream if I was forced to a plan that was a couple dollars more.
Everyone who has cable pays the same price for the services they receive. Whether its a new customer or a customer of 30 years who never did anything to their account except pay their bill! Phone services as well. If you only have Mpeg2 equipment for HD,I'd be fine,with that, Thats fair because with their equipment they can't get all the HD offered. But give me a good reason why my base package price should be any different then the next guy? Do you still pay $149 for the NFL Package? Choice Extra is not an Upgrade from Total Choice Plus, It just a new name! and when they switched the name the price went up. But you get the same channels as me Except mine cost more. Why is that fair?
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I have the Total Choice Plus package and decided that with the HD Access Fee and the latest increase that I would drop Starz, which I don't watch that much anyway. When I tried to drop it on the web site a few days ago, it said I would have to change to another package in order to do so. I called Directv on the phone and asked a CSR about this. She said that it was no longer possible to make the change to discontinued packages on the web site, but that she could do it for me (and that I should keep my current package, as it is a few bucks cheaper). She was able to drop Starz from my programming without any base package changes. YMMV.
Everyone who has cable pays the same price for the services they receive. Whether its a new customer or a customer of 30 years who never did anything to their account except pay their bill! Phone services as well. If you only have Mpeg2 equipment for HD,I'd be fine,with that, Thats fair because with their equipment they can't get all the HD offered. But give me a good reason why my base package price should be any different then the next guy? Do you still pay $149 for the NFL Package? Choice Extra is not an Upgrade from Total Choice Plus, It just a new name! and when they switched the name the price went up. But you get the same channels as me Except mine cost more. Why is that fair?
As I said, I'd have no problem if they moved me to the new package, even if the cost is higher. I certainly understand why that would make sense. But they have historically allowed the grandfathering of old plans. It's not something I have asked for, it's just been their policy.

And playing devil's advocate once again, lots of people pay D* different amounts. It happens every day, and is constantly discussed on this very forum. How many different prices has everyone paid for their equipment? I paid $199 for my HR21 (lease), yet many here paid nothing. I paid nothing for my HR10-250, yet others paid several hundred. Some people call in and complain just to get programming credits when I sit by quietly - I've never had an HD credit, or free HBO or Showtime. Yet others get months worth of credits quite often. I've paid full price for Sunday Ticket Superfan, while others get it for free. I pay a couple bucks less for my programming package simply because I've done nothing, not because I've called and complained. Why is that fair? That's just the way it is, like it or not...

So do I want to change plans? I get everything I want to, so I certainly don't. But if they make me switch plans, so be it - I doubt I'd notice the difference.
I currently have the total choice package and when I log onto my account and go to the my programing & package tab I have the the option to add premium channels in the drop down menu.
Maybe someone with a grandfathered package can check their account again to see if that option shows up.
Good luck
Grandfathering the packages has been a tradition with DirecTV and has been one of it's plus's.;)

When I found out about grandfathering I went with their Premier package and plan to stay there.If it changes would I change?.I seriously doubt it as in my area there is no other service to compare with DirecTV.:D
What if you plan on dropping the free HD Extra package befor the free period ends?

This morning on-line, 3-10-08, I was able to drop the HD Extra Pack and retain my grandfathered Total Choice package with no problem.
I think when things are in a promotional period you can drop them on the website with the "remove" button, and it doesn't impact your programming. HD Extra, if dropped in 3 months promo, would be like that. (I think)
We've received an update from DirecTV regarding grandfathered packages:

With the design of the new website they made the decision to no longer allow custmers to maintain grandfathered packages and perform any programming/service changes.

Essentailly, if you add/remove a service or premium, you will have to change to a current package.

Before the change, you could add HBO or another service and maintain your existing grandfathered package. Now adding a service will require the customer to select a new base package.

This was done to improve customer service (CSRs often aren't well educated on the grandfathered packages) and reduce the time/cost of maintaining these packages.

Read my post over at dbsforums. They've been doing this for a while now, or they singled me out. In any case, it sucks.
Fortunately, I dropped HBO about a month ago. I just dropped the HD Extra Pack online, and it didn't change my main package.
I didn't change anything but lost my HD locals yesterday with no warning or explanation......just says "not purchased" for some reason. They have been for since they came on line over a year ago. Checked my bill, sure nuff, their gone.
D* is really starting to get under my skin, that makes about 10 HD channels I've lost recently.
Read my post over at dbsforums. They've been doing this for a while now, or they singled me out. In any case, it sucks.

Davsrave - it was your post that sparked the inquisition of D* on this change, which lead to them releasing an official answer.

They made the change quitely until you and a couple others had posted about it and then the issue was raised to their corporate.
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