Ive been looking at places that we would not have to snowblow or shovel feet of snow. I dont like heat very well so would not want to live too far south. So far NC has been very interesting.
Can I move back? Please? I'll try to bring Rocky back with me.
That's kind of like saying that you drove through the McDonalds drive-thru and didn't get a feel why parents would like the Playplace
These places are not Colorado.
An interesting opportunity has presented itself. In apx. a year from now, I may have the opportunity to move anywhere in the continental US. I need some suggestions, help and recommendations from my more well traveled friends.
The lady and I are most likely looking to keep it north of the Mason Dixon Line and extreme South West. (Not a fan of the extreme heat, however the Southern most we'd be wiling to travel would be North Carolina). Most likely ruling out California as well due to the high taxes. We are an active couple and don't have any kids yet. We bike, golf, row, camp, ski, enjoy photography and other outdoorsy things. Being close in proximity to a prominent food scene is also a must. At the minimum, we'd most likely be here for 4 years, so we're only interested in renting for the immediate future.
Too many turistas from Tejas in that neck of the woodsI know that area Don, and I believe that the foothills of Sierra Blanca is a bit nicer. But then again this is your permanent home and it isn't mine......
I've been to Colorado, I want to hit Wyoming & Montana in the summer months... I have a childhood friend that guides out of Green River, Wyoming ...
Until you said food was a must, I was going to suggest Flagstaff, AZ. It has just about everything else.
2nd suggestion, Denver area.
We have a rapidly dwindling(from the drought) lakeWhere I live now, I am surrounded by Lake Erie. I think I would freak if I would have to live in a desert and without a nearby large body of water.
Where I live now, I am surrounded by Lake Erie. I think I would freak if I would have to live in a desert and without a nearby large body of water.
I was once in Yellowstone on the 4th of July and we had snow flurries..... May have been in '69 or '70....
I was once in Yellowstone on the 4th of July and we had snow flurries..... May have been in '69 or '70....
Didn't know it could snow at those temps.