If you could bring one show back...

"Bewitched ". The only problem is that the entire cast is dead now ,except Dr. Bombay, Tabitha and Adam. Sorry, that show was from my youth and I now own all seasons except season 8 ,that hasn't been released yet. Coming up on the 14th anniversary of her death next month. Hard to believe it .
"Bewitched ". The only problem is that the entire cast is dead now ,except Dr. Bombay, Tabitha and Adam. Sorry, that show was from my youth and I now own all seasons except season 8 ,that hasn't been released yet. Coming up on the 14th anniversary of her death next month. Hard to believe it .
Yep, it's hard to believe she passed-away at age 62. I saw her last week with Charles Bronson in a 1961 episode of Twilight Zone. She was a certainly a hottie. [ame="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734686/"]"Twilight Zone" Two (1961)@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQwODYzNjQwMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzAyMjkyMQ@@._V1._SX99_SY140_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTQwODYzNjQwMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzAyMjkyMQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX99@@AMEPARAM@@SY140[/ame]
Since the show I'm going to miss most with ABC cutting it without airing the final eps I'm going to throw in "Pushing Daises"

I'll also add "Twin Peaks" in as it's one of the few shows I still watch reruns and dvds of.
Boston Legal would be my first choice.

I would like to see BSG, Star Trek: TNG and Firfly continue but they were pretty much ended. Also, Enterprise was ended to soon. Even though it wasn't the best Trek series I think they could have developed it more.

A couple that were cancelled that at a cliff hanger I would like to see back or finished. Soap & Space: Above and Beyond. Soap would be hard to do since a few of the cast members are dead.
Jericho and Journeyman... apparently I have a J theme going here...

As others have said, Dollhouse and SCC as the writing on the wall is there unfortunately.

West Wing, by far the best TV I've ever watched.

We miss ya Leo (RIP John Spencer :() and now Bruno (RIP Ron Silver :()

Sure there are others (Jericho, Studio 60) but Sorkin's West Wing makes me understand how much the phrase "I love that show" really can mean.

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