some concrete information and/or dates of when new nat HD are coming would be nice as well
man i wish i wouldn't have signed that 18 month contract in January![]()
Why does everyone get stuck in these contracts? I signed with Dish instead of D* specifically because I didn't *need* a contract. D* refused to sign me up unless I entered into a contract. Dish said "No contract? No problem. You just don't get the promotional pricing."
Is is that 6 months of free HD is *so* important to you that you need to sign an 18 or 24 month contract?
Just had a upset D* customer call asking about E* programming costs. Seems like after looking at his current D* programming vs. what he could be getting from E*, AND adding DVR, it was a no brainer for this customer to move to E*. Even after discussing his options for HD, he would get free hardware and HD essential for what he is currently paying D* and no DVR or HD. So, it looks like the "average Joe" still is receiving a pretty good bang for the $$$$$ from E*. Sure, the avid HD fan is anxious for MORE HD. I want more as well. This technology is, in the eyes of most tv viewers, being confused with digital conversion due in FEB '09. Everybody in tv sales and programming are well aware of the confusion that is causing...let the good times roll !
Say what you want about least the service is 24/7 HD and NO commercials. Scanning other HD/SD services offered by D*/E* ARE NOT 24/7 HD by far. Do we want more HD or more up-converted SD? It is plain to see why the viewer is confused.
You're right, good looking channels with poor content is the name of the game![]()
Some of the VOOM stuff is garbage, but some of it is as good or better than anything out there. Such as RAVE, RUSH and Equator.
i have no use for rave, rush OR equator..they offer nothing of interest.. of all the voom channels only MonstersHD has any entertainment value...
Regardless... I don't thin kanyone can reasonable argue that people are going to sub with dish cause dish has Voom...they will look, see dish does NOT have the major cable nets in HD and move on....
Waiting is all we have been doing since the last national was added.
When was the last national added. I cannot remember that far back.