If Dish drops AMC, will you drop dish??

If Dish drops AMC, will you drop dish??

  • Yes - Definitely!!!

    Votes: 104 21.5%
  • No - Will use another source for content / downgrade package.

    Votes: 322 66.7%
  • Maybe - just not sure

    Votes: 57 11.8%

  • Total voters
CBand was NEVER a main stream choice and it went away due to the economics of satellite bandwidth among other things.

Look. I see you are entrenched in an indefensible position and will continue to spew the corporate line.

But next time you go to a grocery store and buy a bag of potato chips. Think to yourself: If I bought potato chips in a package with tortilla chips in a flavor I dislike, pretzels I won't eat, cheese puffs I don't like and Peanut snack I'm allergic to I will save money on the unit price of the potato chips and I am giving more choice to everyone else by not allowing anyone just to buy potato chips a la carte even though I am spending 3 or 4 times as much as I otherwise would have!

You're still using the grocery store example? Seriously? Are you honestly that dim? It does not correlate to this topic. A la carte has not worked and will not work. You've been told why, but have chosen to wallow in your own ignorance.
CBand was NEVER a main stream choice and it went away due to the economics of satellite bandwidth among other things.

Look. I see you are entrenched in an indefensible position and will continue to spew the corporate line.

But next time you go to a grocery store and buy a bag of potato chips. Think to yourself: If I bought potato chips in a package with tortilla chips in a flavor I dislike, pretzels I won't eat, cheese puffs I don't like and Peanut snack I'm allergic to I will save money on the unit price of the potato chips and I am giving more choice to everyone else by not allowing anyone just to buy potato chips a la carte even though I am spending 3 or 4 times as much as I otherwise would have!

Educate yourself: Pay-TV A La Carte Could Put 1 Million Jobs At Risk: Analysts - 2012-06-25 14:44:08 | Multichannel News
You're still using the grocery store example? Seriously? Are you honestly that dim? It does not correlate to this topic. A la carte has not worked and will not work. You've been told why, but have chosen to wallow in your own ignorance.
Right or wrong, this or that. You need to work on your debating skills.
Scott, either that or at least some one needs to settle down and stick to the subject at hand and refrain from personal flaming in order to continue to have the ability to post his position.

The article posted is by an industry analyst in an industry magazine towing the industry party line. The grocery store analogy is exactly accurate to the a la carte + package (not a la carte vs package) model on cabe. And once again you state "a la carte has never worked" yet the only example is one in a niche market where the option went away due to forces having nothing to do with a la carte + package vs package only models.
Scott, either that or at least some one needs to settle down and stick to the subject at hand and refrain from personal flaming in order to continue to have the ability to post his position.

The article posted is by an industry analyst in an industry magazine towing the industry party line. The grocery store analogy is exactly accurate to the a la carte + package (not a la carte vs package) model on cabe. And once again you state "a la carte has never worked" yet the only example is one in a niche market where the option went away due to forces having nothing to do with a la carte + package vs package only models.

Haha...just keep spewing that nonsense. If you want less choice and higher prices...a la carte will get you there.
For the record... it wasn't me who banned Mr. Cause. I recuse myself from such actions when I am directly involved in the conversation. I was done with it at this point anyway. :)
And once again my one gallon can of Troll B Gone gets used... this stuff works GREAT!

Its great to have an opinion, but don't troll and put down other members because they don't agree with your opinion. Seems as though some folks just come here to start trouble.

Sorry for the problem folks... carry on. :D
Ok, so I go into work to cover a few things and come to see this. TNGTony, thanks for going toe to toe with the "rebel" for me. I agree with what you said. Scott, I guess it's my new calling card around here. Make statements that start ugly debates. I'll change my handle to "The Derailer". I agree with you. "Rebel" seemed to be too aggressive in his argument.
I am leaving AMC for three main reasons. 1. No more AMC 2. No 3D ( I want to see olympics in 3D) 3. I want to be able to record 3 shows at once. (dont like the hopper)

Hard to not like the Hopper when you don't have one, but you may like wherever you go better. By the way I record four shows at once without a Hopper.... :)
GaryPen said:
Do you mean you are leaving DISH for three reasons?

BTW, Dish will have the Olympics in 3D, unless that has changed.

I have not heard anything about Dish having the Olympics in 3D in fact when I asked Dave at Team Summit he said it was doubtful that they would carry it.
I apologize if this was mentioned in this thread but I didn't read through all the posts...

I think it's kind of funny, odd or whatever that the DISH facebook page has nearly 28,000 more 'Likes' since dropping AMC. For whatever reason the day they dropped AMC, I made a note of their 'Like' because I thought they would plummet. Because I 'unliked' them, for whatever good that would do, I thought other people would as well. On July 1 it was 1,200,662 Likes now it's 1,228,628.
I am leaving AMC for three main reasons. 1. No more AMC 2. No 3D ( I want to see olympics in 3D) 3. I want to be able to record 3 shows at once. (dont like the hopper)

:facepalm Wow second time in one month to get the chance to use that!

I'm sure you meant to say Dish not AMC but still....:D

Troll B gone...Scott you need to get a patent on that.;)

I think it's kind of funny, odd or whatever that the DISH facebook page has nearly 28,000 more 'Likes' since dropping AMC. For whatever reason the day they dropped AMC, I made a note of their 'Like' because I thought they would plummet. Because I 'unliked' them, for whatever good that would do, I thought other people would as well. On July 1 it was 1,200,662 Likes now it's 1,228,628.

I certainly wouldn't put too much stock in likes on facebook.Too easy for anyone to do that.

Thelist for dish 110-119 missing entries after 8411

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