LonghornXP said:My other posts have talked about satellites and cable companies and if your talking about how much money I have that means nothing because last time I checked several rich guys have won the lotto but I wish I was that rich but I fail to see your point. Also I've only been lucky this last month because most of my life I've never won anything more than 25-50 bucks. Mostly just free tickets to 15 dollar winners. My only three big winners have been two 500 dollar winners and one 200 dollar winner. Now that isn't much when I spend about 20 bucks a week on tickets but I play more for fun than anything.
Also if this isn't chit chat I don't know what is.
No, no, no Longhorn, we were talking about HD921's post.
By the way, congrats! Hopefully I will get lucky and get one of these jobs this week.