I was hoping VOOM was different...but they aint!!


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
I was an excited loyal VOOM customer. One day I get a bill in the mail for $247! It seems they had stopped debiting my card for some reason and now I was 3 months behind. I tried to work something out-nothing happened and service was shut off. After reading yesterdays announcement, I decided to try to activate the box. I thought this company lost over a billion dollars in a couple short years-how can they possibly deny me 2 more weeks of service? I was actually expecting common sense and maybe a little sympathy from a corporation; how stupid am I??sure enough both csr's and the 1 supv I spoke with said no box activation w/o payment . I asked how my $200 will affect that 1 BILLION dollars worth of red ink and was told "we just cant do it". I even got wimpy and said I was hoping to see 2 more weeks of the programming I had loved for so long,blah blah blah but I forgot I was dealing with just another corporate zombie. I say screw VOOM- if in the end they are just another E* or D in waiting. Screw 'em- and their jerk-off employees. PEOPLE WHO ARE LOSING THIER JOBS ARE STILL TOEING THE COMPANY LINE!!!! I AM LITERALLY SICK TO MY STOMACH. The first thing that should have been done Monday morn is to activate all boxes and bump all subs up to Va-Va-Voom. Of course I think like a human being with feelings(lets show all customers we appreciated their business) , not a corporate flunky(no money-no service) I'm sure all I will hear is "You want something for nothing-pay the bill". Ya know what ? If I thought my $200 would get me more than two weeks of prgmmng I would do it!
Boo-hoo. Whiner. You got your 3 free months. You couldn't come up with the cash. Now you want them to give the service away, when they've lost so much money they have to close. Where's the logic with that?
Let's see, you're past due and you want free service. That makes a lot of sense. For 3 months you didn't know that your credit card wasn't being charged? It sounds like you thought you'd be able to get by without paying. If you're for real, you're part of the reason Voom went bust. 40% of their customers were delinquent in paying their bills. You're a dead beat.
HAHAHAHA....this has got to be a troll....but there are really people like this......looking for a handout on every corner
Attention Losers:

I love it when it is proven that I am GOD and the people who have the nerve to comment on my remarks are nothing less than something that needs to be scraped off my shoe.....are ya ready for this?? SOME OBVIOUSLY SUPER-EVOLVED SUPERVISOR AT VOOM (3RD ONE I SPOKE TO) AGREED THE FAULT WAS THEIRS AND ALSO AGREED TO TURN ON VA-VA-VOOM UNTIL APRIL 30TH! I rest my case!
I agree with you Vicki. Why should he get free programming, he's one of the ones that caused VOOM's downfall. Had people actually paid their bills the losses would have been lower and VOOM would have had more of a fighting chance.

We know that 40% were 3 months or more behind in paying their bills. Currently with 46,000 subs 40% is 18,400 subs. If 2/3rds had VOOM and 1/3rd had VA VA VOOM, for the month of March that would have been about $1,470,386 in unpaid bills. Over 1 quarter that would be about $4,411,158 and $17,644,632 in an entire year!!!

At this point though, if I was a CSR I would be so disgruntled I'd go through all the customers and activate all channels and put no charge for the additional channels.
mattyro said:
the people who have the nerve to comment on my remarks

Why in the hell did you post your remarks in the first place? Of course people are going to comment on your remarks. If you didn't want that then you shouldn't have posted.

The fault is your own. You had 3 months to inquire why you didn't get a bill. You had three months to look at your account on-line at the VOOM site. No, what you thought was, 'Gee, I haven't got a bill for three months they've made a mistake and I'm getting programming free.' Then you get a huge bill, get cut off, and complain.

From what I have seen of the VOOM subscribers they know their billing cycle. Mine was always on the 2nd of the month. If I got a bill or not I went on-line on the second to pay my bill.
Cheat and a liar

This jerk said he got turned back on and also was upgraded to VaVavoom? No way! As of last Friday, CSR's could no longer upgrade, downgrade, or do anything other then set up disconnect orders or take payments. The system was changed to lock out service changes. It looks like what this guy is scraping off the bottom of his shoe is the crap that's coming out of his mouth. Your right jerk off! Voom is no different, we recognize dead beats just like the others. Since I'm out of a job anyway, it doesn't bother me to say this; your just another whinny little turd that ran out of one more company to screw over. Didn't know you weren't being billed? Try looking at your bills and credit card statements before you throw them in the garbage. Credit card statement would have shown no Voom charges, Voom statement would have shown a larger balance than the previous month. Your statements only prove three things: Your a cheat, your a liar, and you are definetely stupid. Maybe someone else can find more flaws in your lack of character. Thanks for calling Voom jerk, have a nice day. :)
No tickie no shirtie.
I have Reg. V* package with Stars & P.B. and I thought of the same thing for about 5 seconds, why doesn't V* just give everybody VVV till they shut down, but it wouldn't be fair to the people who are paying for it.
Dude you obviously wanted something for nothing by just calling and asking for a free ride to the end and than had the nads not wanting to pay for something you have received.
If you are a stand up guy you still would pay your bill.
If someone took something from you without paying you would be pissed.
Gee, I went grocery shopping 2 months ago and bounced a check and never made good on it and now that store is going out of business in 2 weeks. I went back to shop there for free once more and they kicked my ass out on the street! WTF is going on with this stupid store? I mean, they are going out of business, what's another $100 worth of free groceries to them?

I Got Out 7-Months Ago

Upgrade to VaVaVoom

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