Tonight a friend of mine has a google nexus one. It is not activated with any cell carrier but it was linked up to his wifi router. His ADSL is 128k upload, 760k download.
The nexus one is a "lively phone" with wallpaper that animates. The screen was very sensitive to touch and apps launched pretty quickly.
The internet performance on his wifi was nothing to brag home about. Web pages to a while to load. The virtual keyboard was nice and very comparable to iphone.
The phone is heavy (in a good way) and feels solid. Not junky or flemsy but like a well. Rafted piece.
Is this phone a repla ement for iphone? not as far as i am concerned. I also played with a new motorola droid. It was a super nice smartphone. I would say the droid and iphone are neck and neck in the race with nexus just half of a step behind.
The nexus one is a "lively phone" with wallpaper that animates. The screen was very sensitive to touch and apps launched pretty quickly.
The internet performance on his wifi was nothing to brag home about. Web pages to a while to load. The virtual keyboard was nice and very comparable to iphone.
The phone is heavy (in a good way) and feels solid. Not junky or flemsy but like a well. Rafted piece.
Is this phone a repla ement for iphone? not as far as i am concerned. I also played with a new motorola droid. It was a super nice smartphone. I would say the droid and iphone are neck and neck in the race with nexus just half of a step behind.